Sunday, January 20, 2019

Ghost story you killed me

Chapter 27
Formulating strategy

"How will you invoke them Baba? By planchette?" Tara was curious.

"The matter is very complicated Tara! Maroon is an extremely powerful Ifrit! Not only that, he is revengeful as well. We will have to be very careful about him. Regarding, Sabina's spirit, if we invoke her, she'll never come. We will have to do something so that we get them together like before." Dhuni Baba looked thoughtfully through the broken window.

I didn't have any idea what he was talking about. Looking at my agape mouth, Imam Saheb grew bit of compassion for my dumbness, and said, "Okay, I will try to explain the matter in detail. Before coming here, we had an inkling, but we were unsure about the creature. So was Maroon, he didn't know that we could come. When we heard your cry for help, my grandson broke the ramshackle door with kicks, and we saw you in a very difficult situation." He paused to take a big sip of tea. We were looking at him eagerly.

He restarted, "Perhaps, you don't know that Dhuni Baba has been doing hathayoga for more than five decades. He has attained some unbelievable feats, which your science won't be able to explain. He has been blessed by the Almighty, too! Among many other supernatural powers, he is able to produce an extremely strong electromagnetic field. He can turn any non-ferromagnetic material into a ferromagnetic one. That was why he was able to produce a precise pull to the creature to hold it back when it was going to jump on Akshar."

I would have laughed out loudly, had he said this even yesterday. But, today, after these supernatural experiences, I could not say anything. Perhaps, he is not good at explaining scientific stuff, but, at least, he is trying to make me understand.

"What was the water Imam Sahab that Dhuni Baba threw on the creature, and it made a hellish cry of anguish?" This time Tara asked.

"The water was holy water from Gangotri, but that was not all about it. Dhuni Baba, after decades of research, has made it into soul purifier with his yogic power."

"Soul purifier?" My mouth automatically became agape, again.

"It takes out vices such as anger, hatred, jealousy etc from the human mind, and turns it into a pious one." Dhuni Baba humbly submitted.

"If applied on a dreaded criminal, it will turn him into a saint within a couple of hours. But, ghosts are not humans, you know that! Ghosts, in general, are not made of material bodies. But, the resentful, vengeful souls, with a lot of practice, can take material bodies. Sabina learned to take 3D form because of her extreme rage against Akshar. Had the water fallen on Sabina, we are not absolutely sure though, her soul would have been purified. Unfortunately, it was Maroon, who can take any form, and whose shape you saw, who took the water." Imam Saheb stopped to take another sip of tea.

"Did it have the purifying effect on Maroon?" I could not curb my curiosity.

"Maroon is a descendant of Satan, it will have no effect on him." Dhuni Baba replied mournfully.

"Why is it so?" Tara, too, was extremely disappointed.

"Well, Ifrits are not ordinary ghosts. They have special powers. As far as Maroon is concerned, the water had only injured him, and nothing more than that. By now, he might have healed, and must be thinking of taking revenge against Dhuni Baba! But, he is extremely clever, and he cannot do anything without the help of Sabina. That's why he will wait for a suitable time. But, we can't allow that!" Imam Saheb said in a nonchalant way.

"One more thing that I should tell you is that the power of ghosts reduces by a significant proportion when lights are turned on. The emergency lamp was instrumental in reducing Maroon's power. But next time, the clever Ifrit will make sure that there are no lights. Also, we don't know what other improvisation he will make." Dhuni Baba again said in a sad tone.

After hours of contemplation, we formulated a workable plan. We were unsure about the outcome and the dangers associated with it. But, we had to do it, as there was no other option.

Chapter 28
The final showdown

As per the plan, Dhuni Baba and Imam Saheb left Tara's house in the morning. I went to my home, and we passed the day as usual. But, I came from the office early, and went to meet Tara at the same spot at the same time just like yesterday.

We behaved like a lovey-dovey couple. I felt like I was the hero, and Tara was the heroin of a film. We hugged each other for a couple of times, and even kissed once. The moment we kissed -- it was the time when the red orb was saying goodbye to us -- I heard the sound of an angry screech. We didn't waste any more second, and started to run towards the house, this time it was my house, as we didn't want to bother Bahadur's family any more.

The screeches followed us all along as we ran like champion atheletes, and eventually reached my home, and closed the door without locking it. This day was the day after the new moon; darkness was reigning outside. Even though, I tried to have a stiff upper lip, I knew my heart was beating madly. Fortunately, Tara was with me. Her mere presence was good enough to enliven my soul. She was occasionally pressing my hand with her to instill some courage inside me. She said, "Don't worry, Akshar Babu! Everything will be alright."

As expected, the ghost struck around 8 PM. There was a huge gust of wind, followed by the entry of the suffocating fetid smell in the house. This time my emergency light worked only for a second before it was destroyed. I could sense that the evil creature had entered my house, but this time not with the shape of a vampire. The darkness was so complete that I thought it would swallow us before the evil creature did anything.

Before the creature could attack Tara, I threw a couple of magic stones given by Dhuni Baba. Dhuni Baba didn't tell me which material they were made of, but they had fluorescent qualities, and within a second, the entire room was filled with very soft, almost dreamy, green light. My astonishment knew no bound when I saw that the ghost had turned itself into a tree, to be precise, a bare, grayish tree trunk.

The ghost tree didn't like the light at all, and tried to break the stones with its might. But, they were unbreakable, as it seemed. In the meantime, both Dhuni Baba and Imam Saheb came out from my bedroom. The tree turned it's attention towards them. It went backwards a bit to generate momentum, and targeted Dhuni Baba.

Dhuni Baba, like he did last time, chanted an obscure mantra, and pointed his holy trident towards the ghost. It was clear to me that Dhuni Baba was applying a huge force to prevent the ghost from hitting him. But this time, his force was not as effective as it was before. Maroon was able to defeat Dhuni Baba's force, and the trident fell from his hand.

"Oh my God!" I screamed at that sight, as I knew if Dhuni Baba lost, we were gone for good.

But before Maroon could strike Dhuni Baba, Imam Saheb quickly came in front of him, face to face with the ghost. There was a talisman in his hand, which he dangled in front of Maroon. I didn't know what was inside the amulet, but Maroon didn't advance anymore.

Without giving any time to Maroon to regroup, Imam Saheb, in a very different voice, which sounded like thunder to me, said, "Your time of doing mayhem on earth is over Maroon. I, Imam Hasan, a direct descendant of the holy Prophet, in the name of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and in the name of Allah command you to go back to hell for ever."

Immediately, the trunk vanished in thin air, and what was left was the silhouette of Sabina. Imam Saheb said, "Sabina, this boy didn't make any mistake in loving you. He went to your house to rescue you, but he was afraid of your relatives, and fled away. He already got punishment for his cowardice from Alllah. He survived a fatal accident. I don't see any reason for your anger anymore."

In the meantime, Dhuni Baba had recovered. He threw that holy water on Sabina's silhouette, saying, "Let your soul find peace Sabina. Leave them for ever."

Sabina's silhouette vanished, and Dhuni Baba joined our four hands together.

The End​

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Your memory

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