Saturday, January 5, 2019

Ghost story: You killed me

Chapter 13
Entry of Tara​

Bahadur was released from the hospital after 15 days. His right side became paralysed, but he could speak in a mumbled voice, and could do some easy works with his left hand. His wife was taught how to give physiotherapy to him, as the poor chap could not afford to appoint a physiotherapist. The doctor promised that with regular physiotherapy, Bahadur would be able to lead a normal life. But that would take few more months. I did not employ any one during this time. As a matter of fact, no male was available for employment, and I would not employ any female. So, I was bunking most of the daily chores, and eating at a roadside restaurant.

After the end of the month, I went to Bahadur's house to hand him the promised 2000 rupees. But, his reply caught me by surprise. He took my hand in his left hand, and said, "Shaab, what you have done for me was wonderful. But, I can't take any more help. Why would you pay me 2000 rupees for nothing? No Sir, I can't take this money."

Overcoming the shock, I looked around the dingy room of that shanty. It didn't need the eye of a Sherlock Holmes to understand that the family was living in squalor. I asked, "Have you got any other source of income?"

Bahadur remained silent, while his wife nodded her head from side to side. In a state of surprise I enquired, "Then how are you going to survive? What happens to your daughters' studies? What I am offering you is not a big amount, but good enough for your sustenance. If you feel hesitant, take this money as loan, and when your elder daughter gets a job, repay me."

At that moment, Bahadul suddenly felt discomfort, and we let him take rest and moved to the other dilapidated room. His wife in a solemn voice informed me that Bahadur was less concerned about money than about my well-being. He wanted his elder daughter to replace him. He thought that I had been going through a horrid time, as there was no one to look after me. I tried to evade by saying , "But, being a bachelor, I can't keep an unmarried maid at my house. What will people say?"

"This is a very small village Shaab! Everyone knows everyone. People are very big-hearted here. They also want Tara to replace Bahadur."

I was a tad discomforted by this argument. I could not tell them the real reason behind my stoic refusal. I tried to offer the money to Bahadur's wife, saying that I would think about the employment matter later. But these hilly tribes were strange people, indeed. She said that as per the instructions from Bahadur unless I appoint Tara, the elder daughter, she would not take any more help.

I thought very hard that night. It was true that doing the household chores was becoming very hard for me. Because of my laziness, the wooden floor was covered with a thick layer of dust. I was wearing the same dress for the entire week. Most importantly, my stomach was showing white flag, as it could not take the cheap, unhygienic food from the local roadside restaurant any more. These were very strong reasons in favour of employing Tara, but I balked at the thought of the past incidents. Will the evil-force appear in this distant, desolate place? Maybe not, I thought. Also, I felt a strong compulsion to help distressed Bahadur.

Next morning, I went to Bahadur's house, and gave my ascent to employ Tara.

Chapter 14
The menace seemed to have gone​

I had been on tenterhook since Tara joined from the next day. She was not as quick as Bahadur; she took around 3 hours to finish the chores. I was half an hour late to arrive at my chamber. But, that was immaterial, as the workload was very light. Tara might have taken longer than Bahadur, but her work was neat, and the items she cooked were tasty.

For the first time in this hilly village, I ate something that gave pleasure to my finicky tongue. She might not have talked much, but surely, she was not at all taciturn like her father. But, as I said, my nose was on overwork to smell something uncanny. The same routine continued for the next 6 months. Tara arrived sharp at 6-30 AM, and left at 9-30 AM. I gained the weight that I lost previously. Allaying my fears, nothing uncanny happened in this six months, and I began to believe that nothing would happen in future, either.

In the next six months, I almost forgot about the past, and began to lead a normal life. The moment I became normal, my eyes fell on Tara. That far, I never looked at her properly, as I had been very scared. But when I looked at her for the first time, I noticed that she was a charming young lady. Compared to an average tribal girl, she was on the taller side; her complexion was fair, she had a cute face with gleaming eyes, her body was shapely.

The next day, I was amazed to note lustrous green bangles on her both hands and two golden earrings. She wore a new blue kameez for a change. She smiled coyly when I enquired if it was a new dress, but didn't answer.

The next day, when she served the morning tea, I didn't know whether it happened by design or not, but her hand touched my hand when I was taking the cup from her. It was not as if I hadn't have any experience of getting a female touch, but this was definitely different. I felt like getting an electric shock. Shaken a bit, I looked at her. She smiled, and went away. I sat there for a minute with a perplexed look on my face.

Since then I felt an uncontrollable attraction towards her. I would talk to her for no reason, and I would like to come close to her. She seemed to have relished my new found attention towards her. Everyday, she would put make up in a new way with various flowers, and everyday I would wait for the tea time. She would not occasionally make hand contacts, and I would be in cloud nine for the rest of day.

Leading a bachelor life was hard but not impossible when you didn't have temptations in front of you. I was a vigorous man who had been denied the relationship with a woman for too long, and Tara was a hot, young lass bubbling with energy. She was like a fuel in front of fire. Every time I looked at her amorously, my heartbeat increased, my nostril expanded, my head spinned, and it seemed like I would lose control over myself. Whenever that happened, I would quickly move out of the scene to avoid an embarrassing situation. I would hear a sound of muffled giggling.

I had had a good habit of exercising every day when I was in plain land. I went to the gym regularly. Here, I thought I had had enough exercising by riding the motorcycle up the steep road. So, I didn't exercise, but preferred walking in the afternoon. The village was very small, but it had a vibrant Buddhist monastery.

Everyday, when I reached home early, I would walk to the monastery. The monastery had a moderate round hall where calmness prevailed. The room was meant for meditation. I would seat there for 15 minutes trying hard to concentrate, but every time I failed. I could not concentrate for more than 30 seconds. My mind would veer away.

One day, I was again trying hard to concentrate, but I could not, as the bubbly face of Tara appeared in front of my closed eyes. A lot of water had gone under the bridge since the ghastly incidents. Isn't it a good time to settle in life? I couldn't stop thinking about Tara all the time. I could even smell the fragrance of the hair oil she used. Frustrated, I shook my head, and I heard the sound of muffled laughter from my right side.

Chapter 15
Getting close to Tara​

"Oh my gosh! What are you doing here?" I was very surprised to see Tara sitting next to me in there. Giggling, she got up, and said, "I shall be waiting for you outside the monastery." She slowly sauntered out of the hall. Looking at the rhythmic movement of her shapely hip, I realized that in the last few months we had, indeed, become close.

Without wasting any time, I followed her. She said, "The day light will last for at least half an hour. Let's sit in the riverbank."

The river looked like a thin line. The water level could hardly touch my heel. The riverbed was full of rocks and pebbles of various sizes. We sat on two medium-sized rocks side by side. Tara was playing with the cool stream with her tiny, long fingers. I was sweetly surprised to note her pink lipstick, which she had never worn before.

"What were you doing in the monastery? You are not a Buddhist. Are you?" I blurted as I was indeed astonished to see her at the monastery.

"Yes, I am a Nepali, and I am a devout Hindu. But, you are also a Hindu." I could see hint of smile on her face and a glint of amusement in her eyes.

"Oh me? You don't know what I went through in recent years. But, let that go. Tell me what are you doing here, as I have not seen you here previously." I tried to rephrase my question.

Tara became a bit concerned. She said, "Why skip what happened to you in recent years? I would like to hear that. And, as far as my presence here, will you be offended if I tell you that I was following you?"

Tara was an educated girl. She had been doing her Masters before the mishap of her father. She was a chirpy girl with a good head on her shoulder. Once, she told me that she had been appearing for various competitive examinations in Sikkim. She might have been doing a menial job at my house, but I always had respect for her. So, I got more surprised at her answer. Caressing my hair I said, "Oh really! May I know why?"

Tara giggled, and in the evanescening sunlight, she looked like a beautiful wild flower. Tara said, " I have got a news for you. But, before that I need to know something."

Looking at my perplexed face, she continued, "You know, we hilly people are very open. We don't hide our emotions, and we listen to our heart. But you seemed to be very shy, and very reticent. But, today you have to open up."

Birds were chirping while returning to their home. The Sun would set very soon. It looked like a beautiful orange orb. Tara's words sounded so familiar. Didn't I hear these words previously? As a matter of fact, I had, indeed, been very shy, and could never take an initiative to express my love.

I looked at her face. Oh boy, she was looking straight into my eyes like an examiner. I got an inkling where she was arriving at. Being shy, I was very reluctant to express my feelings towards her. Now, it seemed to me that she had initiated the action. So, I garnered some courage, cleared my throat, and said, "Yes Tara! I don't want to hide my emotions towards you any longer. Since you ask, may I say?"

"I am all ears." Tara laughed.

Chapter 16
A very disturbing sound​

"Well Tara, for the first few months after you joined, I had been hesitant to look at you. The reasons I should tell you later. But after that, you have stolen my mind. I can't go to sleep without thinking about you. Even in office, I think of you. It looks like I can't live without you." I said passionately.

The stern look of an inquisitor vanished in no time from Tara's face. She could not make eye contacts for few moments, and her lower lip began to quiver, as if she was searching for words. The moment was very ripe for making inroads into her heart. There was no third person in the vicinity. So, I took her hand, dragged her towards me and gave her a tight hug. I was a tad hesitant about her reaction; would she wince was the doubt in my mind. But, it looked to me that she, too, was longing for this moment, as she literally melted in to my chest.

"I knew, I knew." I could see tears in her eyes as I released her.

"No tears please! What's your thought on me?" I asked gently, as I wiped her tears of joy with my hankie.

With a pout, she said angrily, "Do I have to tell that? Are you so dumb?"

I batted my eyelids affirmatively and said, " Okay, I take a yes for an answer. But you were going to say something to me. What was it?"

The Sun had vanished by then, and the darkness had begun to set in. The cold had started to show it's fang.

"Well, you know it's been more than a year since I am with you. My father has recuperated well.
He is now ready for taking over."

I was still looking at her eagerly. Was it all she wanted to say, I asked myself.

" And that's not all. I got a job at the Secretariat at Gangtok. I will have to join by the first week of the next month."

"That's great news Tara", as I congratulated her, I didn't lose the opportunity to hug her again.
"Days of sorrow are over for you and your family." I was indeed very happy to know the good news. The thought of losing her didn't occur in my mind at that point.

"Oh, you don't get my point", Tara was a tad disappointed at my not getting the point.

I thought for a moment, and then I realized what she wanted to say.

"What would happen to us Akshar babu?" She asked the question to me in such a manner that for a moment I thought I was the encyclopedia, having all the answers in the world. But in reality I was not. So, all I could give her was a blank look.

It was very dark now. I didn't have the torch with me. Tara's house was at the same distance as that of mine from this place. So, I said, "Give a couple of days to think Tara. I hope to come up with a solution by then.

Just before I was going to leave, she said, "Please wait! I am not done yet. Before I leave, you have to tell me what was the reason that made you scared even to look at me."

"That's a serious point that I should not hide from you. But, that's a long story. Let me escort you to your home. I will tell you as much as I can during our journey."

"That would be better. Okay, let's move."

The hilly people were very good at day time, but at night most of them took to drinks, and you could not trust even Gods when they were drunk. So, Tara had no hesitation in accepting my offer.

Just when we turned back, hand in hand, we heard the screech of something not far away from us. The sound was so shrill, and so uncanny that it made both of us shudder.

To be continued​

Picture taken form the Internet 

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Your memory

You think I don't care for you But your thought makes me nostalgic, You think I am very unromantic But your memory makes me a poet. ...