Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Ghost story: you killed me

Chapter 23
Dhuni Baba's charisma

Like the last time, nothing happened, and I again looked back. Again, it appeared to me that there was a fight within the creature. Someone was going to attack me, but someone was preventing that. There was an intense inner fight, and the attacking spirit seemed to have won, and the entity jumped on me. But, before it landed on me, I heard a devine voice chanting an obscure Sanskrit mantra, which seemed to have held the creature back. To my great astonishment, Dhuni baba had entered the scene with two other people, one of whom was a 30-something young guy who had to be Dhuni Baba's grandson and the other was a 60-something beared, weird-looking guy.

I could not estimate Dhuni Baba's age, as he looked to me more than 100 years of age. The body of Dhuni Baba had no mass more than a skeleton had, his skin was so wrinkled and so shrunken that it appeared to me that a mild touch to it would make it break into hundreds of pieces. He was short in stature, and he had a trident in one hand, and a kamandal in the other hand. But the most significant part of his body was his eyes: they were very sharp and penetrating.

The powerful ghost, which could make a 60 kg body fly in air like a piece of paper with a flap of its wing, seemed to have been tied to something invisible, as it could not attack me despite all its efforts accompanied by loud screeches. Dhuni baba then took some holy water from the kamandal, chanted some obscure mantra, and threw it on the creature saying, "Go back!"

What was in the water, or how powerful was the mantra I didn't know, but the ghost seemed to have suffered a lot, as it made a hellish cry of anguish, and left the house in a huff.

The first thing the newcomer trio did was to take care of the three senseless people. I didn't notice initially that Dhuni baba carried a rugged jute bag on his shoulder, from which he took out some herbal medicines, and applied it on the three hapless people. Mona was the first to gain her consciousness back, followed by Bahadur, and Champa. Champa's injury seemed to have been the worst, and Dhuni baba and the other trio had to apply a lot of attention to her. Within half an hour, all of them recuperated, and we again sat together with hot tea.

Tara was slightly injured due the fall, but it was nothing compared to her mother's injury. Tara told the incidents in detail to Dhuni Baba, who, along with the other old man, seemed to have listened it very carefully.

Dhuni Baba seemed to be a very good listener, but he hardly talked in between. All he said was, "Hmm!" Dhuni Baba's grandson was not listening at all, as he was still taking care of both Bahadur and Champa. The weird-looking beared guy looked queer to me, as he was looking at me angrily, and nodding his head from side to side in disgust occasionally. I wondered why Dhuni Baba brought this guy with them!

Like a seasoned journalist, Tara narrated the story quickly without leaving out any important information. When Tara was done, the beared-guy looked at Dhuni Baba, and asked in Hindi, " Do you get it?"

Dhuni baba answered, "Yes, I think I do, but I need to know more."

He then turned towards me and said, "Young man, you seemed to have lost the memory of a very significant part of your life. Do you mind if I touch you?"

"Of course, not! Please do the needful Baba! I said in a grateful tone, as I had seen the charisma of Baba.

"Then sit quietly, and don't move", saying this Baba shut his eye, and put his right thumb on my forehead. His finger touched the portion of the forehead where pineal gland is situated. When he touched my forehead, it felt like an electric shock to me, and I shuddered. It appeared to me that my body was an electric circuit, and it was connected to a power supply. Initially, I tried to move back, but Dhuni Baba held my right hand firmly with his left hand. Within seconds, my initial resistance gave in, and I didn't resist any more.

Within a minute, I began to see the lost portion of my memory, which was of only three months duration, like a fast forwarded movie.

To be continued ​

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Your memory

You think I don't care for you But your thought makes me nostalgic, You think I am very unromantic But your memory makes me a poet. ...