Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Chapter 17 Nemesis returns

Chapter 17
Nemesis returns​

Tara seemed to be a courageous girl, as she took no time to recompose her.

"That has to be a nocturnal bird! We are missing a torch." There was no hint of fear in her voice.

"Yes, I would like to agree with you." I said it without any conviction, as I had never heard this kind of sound in my entire tenure here.

We walked hurriedly. None of us carried any torch, as we could not foresee that our rendezvous would last so long. I was thinking about that uncanny sound. But, Tara goaded me to narrate my story, as we moved along.

I didn't hide anything. I told her about Sara and Sona and their unfortunate deaths. I also told her about the uncanny creature, which the girls had claimed to have seen. I didn't forget to tell her that I myself had experienced that fetid smell.

Moving on the narrow hilly road in the dark itself was very difficult. Fortunately, Tara, being the local girl, knew the places like the palm of her hand. She was holding my hand and showing the path. That day had to be a new moon day, as I could not see even a hint of the Moon. I could feel the pressure of her hand when I narrated the grisly deaths. She didn't say much when I was describing my story.

After finishing, I asked, "Now you must know why I was afraid of meeting girls?"

By that time, we came to a point where then onwards I could recognise the road. It would not take more than 10 minutes to reach her home. But, Tara was not saying anything for long. Shaking her hand I asked, "What? Scared?"

Tara didn't answer that question, but she herself asked, "Are you sure you experienced a fetid smell?"

"Yes, more than once!"

"What was it like? Like dried fish or rotten meat?"

"Well, more like a dried fish."

We have entered the locality, and a very dim light was coming from few scattered houses. I could see that Tara was going to say something. But she could not, as suddenly out of nowhere a putrid smell filled the air around us.

"Oh my! This is the smell I was talking about." I shouted, and I could feel that adrenaline began to flow in my blood.

"Run, run towards the home", there was something in my voice that made Tara to obey without any delay. We both ran as hard as possible towards Tara's house. For few seconds the smell seemed to have followed us. But when we reached Tara's house, the smell had gone.

Five of us were sitting on Bahadur's small drawing room. The door was closed. Bahadur's wife brought hot tea for us. There was small fireplace inside the room. Singeing of woods was able to give a mild fight to the overwhelming cold.

Tara might have taken her family into confidence regarding our relationship. That was why they were not shocked to see me with her, but they were surprised to see us running scared. Tara told them briefly about what had happened in my past, and what happened just now.

"There has to be the presence of a demonic entity, I am sure." Tara opined like a paranormal investigator.

"What? How do you know?" My jaw dropped, as I asked her.

To be continued ​

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Your memory

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