Saturday, January 19, 2019

Ghost story you killed me

Chapter 26
Finding the nature of the ghost

From the way he described the matter to them, Dhuni Baba seemed to be a master precis writer. When he was done, there was a pin drop silence in the room. Everyone started to look at me in such a contemptuousmanner that I was remembered of the Hindi song,

"Nayak nehi khalnayak hun main
Iss payar ka kanha layak hun main."

Bahadur, who seemed to have completely recovered by Dhuni Baba's magical medicines, didn't say anything, but only nodded his head in a disapproving manner. Champa released a heavy sigh of grief, and lamented, "What I thought of you to be, and what you turned out to be!"

From the facial expressions of young Mona, it appeared to me that she would have lambasted me, had the elders been not present in the room. Restraining her emotions, she said, "Tut Tut"!

Tara sat there like a stone, but I could see tears rolling down her cheeks. She was not even looking at me, and that hurt me the most. Being crucified by the dear ones, I prayed that let the earth open so that I could vanish inside it like Sita.

When I was sitting with my heads down, I heard this, " Everyone makes mistakes. He had made a mistake in his youthful exuberance. But, he got punishment for that. I think he should be condoned."

I quickly looked up to see that it was the other old man who said this. The electric connection was restored some time back. Now, I saw the person closely. He was around 5'6" tall, stoutly-built, he had no moustache, but had beard, which was dyed in sunset-orange colour, up to his collarbone region. His hair was also dyed in sunset-orange. I thought his age would be around 60.

"Imam saheb is right. What had happened was just an accident. You should forgive him Tara."

I was pleasantly surprised to hear Dhuni Baba's advocacy in my favour. These two guys seemed to have enormous influence on Bahadur's family. Tara's gloomy face again turned bubbly, and looking at me she even made a banter, " Now, get up your head Akshar babu, you don't have to behave like a newly-wed bride!"

Now, that was my turn to get moist eyes. Looking at our moment of joy, Dhuni Baba warned, "The danger is not over yet."

Again, our focus shifted to the real danger looming ahead.

Tara asked me, "What happened to Sabina?"

I said, "I heard the news that one of my health employee committed suicide on her day of marriage."

Catching words from my mouth, Dhuni Baba said, "Sabina mistook Akshar to be a betrayer, and vowed to take revenge. That's why her unsatisfied and aggrieved soul didn't leave earth even after her final rites, and she became a ghost seeking revenge. Her intention was to prevent any girl coming into your life. She would have scared them, but wouldn't have killed anyone."

"Then why did she kill my girl friends?" I didn't get the logic.

"That's because of Maroon, a blood thirsty and very powerful Ifrit. He used to create mayhem by possessing living humans. But, he was cursed by a holy Pir, who prevented him from possessing humans. After that Maroon searched for unsatisfied, vengeful departed spirits, whom he took control of and satisfied his demonic activities with their help." Imam Sahab said.

"The moment I heard that you lived in places like Joynagar, Jamalpur etc, I guessed that this could be the handiwork of an Ifrit. Fortunately, Imam Sahab, who many don't know is a specialist in dealing with jinns, has visited my house for attending a theological discussion. He was kind enough to attend your distress call."

"Now what?" I blurted.

"The creature will not disturb you for the time being, and if you wish we can create a Lakshman Rakha around your houses so that it can never enter there. But that's only a temporary solution. Because, when healed of the wound, which will happen very soon, it will again target you, and you cannot remain inside house for ever." Dhuni Baba said.

"Then what Baba? How do we permanently get rid of the evil?" Asked Tara.

"We have to invoke it, and the remaining will be done by us."

"Now?" I shuddered!

""May not be immediately! But within 24 hours, as it's wounded. This is the high time."

To be continued ​

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