Tuesday, February 5, 2019

The Monkey Song

What will the monkey pick,
A banana or a pearl?
Whom will the monkey choose,
A bear or a girl?

She will pick a banana
It's her basic instinct.
She will choose her jungly friend
The choice is so distinct!

The monkey sings, Hup Hup!
I am world's best judge.
My dealings are so perfect
Nobody never has a grudge!

What will the monkey pick,
A banana or a pearl?
Whom will the monkey choose,
A bear or a girl?

She will pick a banana
It's her basic instinct.
She will choose her jungly friend
The choice is so distinct!

The monkey sings, Hup Hup!
I am world's best judge.
My dealings are so perfect
Nobody never has a grudge!

Picture taken form the Internet 

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