Saturday, September 21, 2019

Street Romeo song

Oh babe babe
Why are you so shy?
Whenever I come close
Why do you fly,
Straight into the sky?

Oh babe babe
You are the one
Who rings my bell
Ding ding dong!
Ding ding dong!

Oh babe babe
The twinkle in your eyes
Are so intoxicating
It melts my heart
And makes my blood boiling.

Oh babe babe
Why are you so shy?
Whenever I come close
Why do you fly,
Straight into the sky?

Oh babe babe
What did you say?
That you are married!
But, I don't care,
I am not afraid.

Oh babe babe
What did you say
Your hubby is a don?
How does it matter?
I am scared of none.

Oh babe babe
Why are you so shy?
Whenever I come close
Why do you fly,
Straight into the sky?

Picture taken form the Internet

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