Monday, November 29, 2021

Thriller The ultimate choice 38

 Episode 38

Suresh had thought that he could solve the problem in few hours. So, after Roy's call, he had immediately rang the SP of the district as per the suggestion from the FM. Suresh knew Mr Khan, a young, energetic officer beforehand. As a businessman, he had to be in contact with the police, and this guy had been very honest and helpful.

Very briefly Suresh appraised him of the situation, and sought his help. Khan seemed to be slightly agitated by the news. He had tried his very best to solve the crime, as there had been huge political pressure from the top. But despite his best efforts, he could not find any workable lead. Now, he was hearing that some private agency had almost solved the problem. It felt like a slap in his face to him. But, gaining his composure right away, he assured of all the helps.

No matter how much reforms and modernisations are done, the red-tapism was not a thing that would go away so easily. It took 2 days to do the necessary things done. This made Suresh simmer in rage, but he couldn't do anything. He even rang the DG of the state. But, he too sought time for the proper procedure.

After 2 days, Roy rang him.

"Thank you Sir. The local police has at last agreed to take action. The AP police has also arrived. We are going to raid the place tomorrow."

"That's awesome! Can I join you?" Suresh's face glowed in enthusiasm.

There was a complete silence for 30 seconds.

"But Sir, you cannot join us in action, as it might be bloody. At most you can stay in the local police station or a local hotel."

"Okay, okay! I will not be in the place of action. But, I want to be present in Barrackpore."

"Okay! Then book a airplane ticket and come to Kolkata Airport. We will pick you up from there. It will be beter, if you take the evening flight and come tonight. Because, you know, tomorrow we shall be extremely busy."

"Okay done! I am coming tonight. I will call you."


When Rajan was taken to perform the same task as his wife was asked to do two days before, he was mentally prepared for doing something which he had never thought of. Like what happened to Archana, the same thing was repeated with Rajan. The only difference was that the Joker didn't instruct Rajan how to get the key. However, being a science student, he had a better grip on the situation.

He had no previous lead like what Archana had, but the moment the Joker instructed and the countdown started, he immediately understood that it couldn't be anything but his blood that he had to shed. He also understood that he had to inhale the toxic air as little as possible. Fortunately for him, he had an experience of doing pranayam after being out of job. He did pranayam with great sincerity. He had been practicing "kumbhakas" for a while. So, he was at a rather advantageous position when he decided to inhale as little as possible.

Like Archana, he, too, searched the room for a sharp object, which could tear his skin. He found none. Then he suddenly looked up and saw the the digital clock on the wall. He estimated that the digital clock was within his reach, if he could jump around 4 feet from the table. After the jump when he tried to cross the boundary wall of this property, he was no short of confidence. So, he ran a few steps on the table and jumped with full force to reach the digital clock.

Rajan had seen a few times in You Tube videos how the eagle, the national bird of his country USA, swooped down on its preys in mid air. He was himself amazed to note how easily he got the digital clock. He landed on the floor rather softly on his legs, as he used his left hand on the wall to give him some friction while falling down. Without any hesitation, he broke the clock, therby getting a sharp piece of broken glass in his hand.

He hesitated for a while, around 10 seconds or so. Then he shut his eyes, folded his two hands and prayed to Lord Shiva. Then he incised his left bicep muscle with full force. Had it been before his entering this dreadful place, he would have screamed with full throttle. But after the pain and suffering that he had experienced here, he had developed the stamina of absorbing this pain. He softly uttered, "Oh Amma!"

The cut he mercilessly made to his own arm was deep. Blood was gushing out of it like a river in mountain stage. Rajan had to take a deep breath, as he was out of breath for so long. Without wasting any time he jumped onto the table. He placed his left fingers on the left side of the scale. The blood was coming down through the fingers.

It didn't take too long for him to get the key. He had to take one more deep breath. He guessed that this lethal gas could be a combination of chlorine pentafluoride and diborane and the God knew what else. But as he took only a few inhalation, the dangerous gas could not show its deadly effect.

As the digital clock was gone, Rajan could not see the countdown, but he was damn sure it didn't take him more than 3.5 minutes. Like a champion he left the deadly room.


"Holy Haborym! How on earth could he do that?" Nigella could not believe her eyes. Without batting an eyelid, she took the whole peg of Beluga at a go.

The Joker, too, was amazed. But, he didn't show too much of excitement. He only said,

"Credit goes to Ranjan. He made us richer by a few million dolars, as you know our customers thought that the chances for Rajan to get into the final round were very dim."

"Not only Rajan Sir, we have also earned handsomely in case of Archana, too. Her rating was even lower. That credit goes to you, Sir."

To be continued on Thursday night 

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