Saturday, November 6, 2021

Thriller The ultimate choice 30

 Episode 30

The sound disappeared, and Archana was again on her tipsy nerves. Archana had forgotten the problems she had with Rajan during her painful stay in this hell house. Now, she loved her family more than ever. She craved to meet her children.

"I have to live to get back my family. I have to live." She murmured.

She had clearly understood what the Joker was trying to convey. Pain is not a new thing for her in this fiendish place. She no longer feared it. The Joker hadn't clearly stated what she would have to undertake for the 4th stage. But, Archana told herself numerous times that she would embrace pain to save her life and her family.

She looked at the clock. It was 8-30 PM. She started pranayam to calm her mind. During the breathing in and breathing out process, she was constantly telling herself,

"I can, and I will."

She didn't remember how the remaining half-hour passed, but the door opened sharp at 9 PM. She was blindfolded by a masked intruder, whom she hadn't seen so far, and taken to a stange, new place.


Indeed, Rajan was right: the agricultural field next to the football ground was rather small in size, and within 10 minutes Rajan reached the precincts. It was probably a new moon day, or a day after it. There was hardly any light from the moon. But even in the darkness, Rajan could see there were numerous lamp posts near the 10' tall wall. As Rajan wondered whether there was a power cut, suddenly, all the LED lamps lit up, and the place bathed in dazzling light. Rajan closed his eyes with his palms. His heartbeat increased significantly, as he apprehended that the men of Joker were after him.

He quickly looked back. Still, there was no one to be seen there. So, Rajan looked at the wall. It  looked too tall for him to surmount. Therefore, Rajan looked desperately to see for the crevices in the wall, where he could place his feet and climb up. Rajan moved 50 meters on both sides, but could not see any such crevices. Roger told that he got electric shock, but Rajan could not see any wire on the wall. Rajan tugged his hair in tension. He knew that any moment the Joker's men could arrive and again he would be incarcerated. He didn't want to miss the opportunity. So, he jumped numerous times futilely to reach the top of the wall with his hands.

Time was running out, and for the first time he could hear the angry barking of pitbulls from a long distance. In his earlier days in the US, Rajan's team leader was a dog lover. He raised two deadly pitbulls. Rajan had always been on his toes whenever he visited his house. Those two dogs were never nice to him. They were the ugliest of dogs that Rajan had ever seen. On one occasion when  his  American team leader were slightly late in receiving him, one of the dogs, Bruno, jumped on Rajan. He would have torn his throat, had his owner not intervened in time. So, Rajan was very much aware of the sound of pitbulls.

Rajan understood that the Joker had sent the dogs after him, and from the sound of their barking, he was sure that there were at least 10 of them. He was also sure that the armed men would follow soon. Rajan looked here and there like a mad man. He was desperately searching for something, and Bingo! Rajan  saw an approximately 6' long broken branch of a tree. Rajan took it in his hands and inspected it. It was not very thick but he thought it should thick enough to carry Rajan's weight, because he was not fat. Only thing that worried Rajan was the green leaves attached to it. It meant that it was broken today or a day ago. Therefore, it may contain a lot of water in it, and may not be hard enough to hold Rajan's weight. But, he had to take his chance.

Who hasn't heard the name of Bubka, the great Soviet pole vaulter? Rajan had not been a sports lover, but still he had seen Bubka in action in his younger days. He always wondered how he could jump 6 meters with the help of a thin pole! Now, the time had come for Rajan to emaluate him. His job was much easier. He had to jump slightly over 3 meter. Bubka was jumping for glory, but Rajan would jump for his life. His safe escape would also ensure the safety of his wife, as he would be able to report to the police.

Ranjan was trying to concentrate, but he got extremely disturbed by the sound of the pitbulls. The sound seemed to be approaching him very fast. He looked back, and saw 8 devil-looking, monster-sized, very angry pitbulls, who were just 100 meters away from him. There were 5 men, armed with machine guns, 100 meters behind the dogs.

Rajan understood that he had no more time to waste, as the dogs seemed to be running very fast. So, throwing away all the hesitations, he went back 20 meters from the wall holding the pole in his hand. For a very brief moment, he prayed to Lord Shiva. His jaw stiffened, and he started to run.

If wishes were horses, the beggars would ride! Indeed, Rajan put his best effort. But, he had no sense of timing. The branch of the mango tree didn't have the required elasticity either. So, he jumped too early, and failed to even touch the wall. He hit the ground with a bang. Fortunately, the ground was soft, and he immediately rolled a few times, ensuring less damage to his body.

But, the dogs were indeed very fast and bloodthirsty. They surrounded him with raised hackles in no time. Rajan was on his feet very soon, but he had no where to eascape. The dogs encircled him giving him no space to escape. The dogs narrowed the daimeter and they were within 3 meters from him. They were showing their teeth, but for whatever reason, not jumping on him. Rajan guessed that the dogs had been trained well not to attack their victim without the order of their master.

However, one of the dogs had different idea, as it broke the circle and jumped on Rajan's throat. Rajan knew that his time was up. He knew how aggressive these pitbulls could be, and how powerful their teeth were. Rajan closed his eyes and surrendered himself to his fate.

To be continued on Tuesday night 

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