Friday, November 12, 2021

Thriller The ultimate choice 32

Episode 32

Regarding your effort to clear the fence, It was not just that our viewers gave you 5 star rating, but we have measured that you were almost able to do the unthinkable. You had no traing of jumping with a pole. The pole we kept for you was neither conducive for this sport! I hope you understand that we didn't want one of the contestant of our mega hit show to flee in midst of the show. It was another matter of fact that our snipers were waiting outside the wall for you. No contestant has achieved that feat so far. Naturally, we made things difficult for you.

But, do you know what you did? You were just 1 meter short! Bravo!"

Rajan was discombobulated, he didn't know how to react. He could not understand that whether he should feel happy to know the hidden talent of a polevaulter inside him, or should he feel extremely sad to know that his effort went in vain by a whisker!

Relishing Rajan's dumbfounded expressions, the Joker continued,

"Better luck next time! But, to have another chance you have to pass today's test, which happens to be the third of the five tests that you will have to face to get out unscathed from this house. Believe me this one is a very easy one, you must have already heard it from Ranjan. Ranjan has chosen the test for you. Throughout your life you showed extreme disdain for the gay people. You did a great harm to Ranjan's career because of your extreme hatred towards the gay community. So, it's the time for gays to take revenge on you.

The test is that you will have to face them without showing any resistance for one hour. We have kept them celebate for 7 days. So, they will be aggressive, and they may take you many times during that one hour. But, you cannot raise even a finger at them. It is another matter of fact that even if you do that it will not matter to them, as these two hunks are ten times more powerful than you. But, as I said, it's a test for you. So listen carefully.

If you push them or if you kick them or punch them or even snap a fingure at them, you will be shot on your head. By now you must know that we do what we say. So, if you love your life, and if you again want to live as a free man with your loved ones, bear it and grin."

The screen went blank. With his head down, Rajan came out of the room. Ranjan was waiting for him. He took him to the "***room", and before closing the door from outside said,

"Best of luck!"

The light in the room was very dim. But, even in that dim light what Ranjan saw was indeed frightening. One of the guy Roger, who was 6'5" tall, was already known to him. Roger was full of muscles. But, the other guy, who also was a black, was at least 2 inches taller than him, and was more muscular. They were walking briskly in the room like two hungry lions. Watching their prey, they grinned from ear to ear.

Roger said, "Hello Rajan! Meet my friend Rod. He hails from Jamaica. He is also a gay like me. Today, we would like to explore your body. I don't know whether you have any experience of homosexual sex, but I believe that you are going to love it. We would have liked to use lubes, but unfortunately, by the Joker's order, we can't. So, initially you maybe subjected to intense pain, as you know we are big, really big. But, I assure you if you bear the pain for a few minutes, there would be no problem. Also, you must have seen the hospital. They will make you fit within a day. So, let's begin the fun."


The word that instantaneously came in Archana's mind when she looked at the room for the first time was queer. The person who escorted her had already left the room leaving her locked inside the strange sight which resembled like a scientific laboratory to Archana. There were quite a few instruments in the room that Archana had never seen in her entire life.

Archana looked into the room very carefully. The room was not very big; Archana estimated that it would be around 15'×15'. There were only two doors in the room and no windows. The door she entered through was locked from outside within few seconds after her arrival, and the other one at the opposite side was a different one. It was locked from inside with a giant sized lock.

There was a rectangular wooden table at the centre of the room, but strangely there was not a single chair to sit. There were two strange instruments on the table that Archana tried extremely hard to understand what they were. Both the instruments were made of glass, she thought. The first instrument had two orifices. The left was a very narrow one with a diameter of hardly 5 mm. The right one was slightly wider. It had a diameter of around 2.5 cm.

Archana noted that there was a scale like thing inside the apparatus. But it was not like the scale we see in shops. The two sides of the scales were shaped like a bowl. The left bowl was empty. Archana's eyes lit up suddenly to notice that the right bowl had a giant sized key on it. It was hanging low due to its weight.

That must be the key of the giant lock of the other door, Archana guessed. Archana wished she could dig her hand inside the barrel and get the key. But, the diameter seemed too narrow to put her hand inside. She quickly looked to the other instrument. There were few openings on the walls of the instrument which were connected with small pipes with the first instrumeent. There was a very small, around 0.1 mm in diameter, orifice on the top. The isntrument contained a blue coloured gas. Archana could not understand what it was!

Suddenly, there was that creepy sound that Archana had been aghast to hear. She quickly craned her neck to find that there was a 15' LCD  screen  attached to the north wall of the room. The despicable face of the Joker appeared on the screen. In a business like manner he said,

"The way you are looking, it seemed that you are an aspiring detective! I would like to congratulate you on your future profession, but I cannot do that at the moment. Because, you are going to face your toughest test right now. If you survive the test, you will move to the last round.

As you might have understood, the door through which you entered the room has been permanently locked for you. The instrument which is on the right hand side of you contains a deadly gas, which is already emanating at a very a slow rate. You would realize its effect in less than 5 minutes from now. In the next 2 minutes the gas will cross your tolerable limit, and your body will react accordingly. First, you will feel nausea and dizziness. In the next 2 minutes, you will feel being asphyxiated, and I am afraid dear, in the next minute,  you will die.

I am sure you don't want to die, as you desperately crave to see your family as a free person. Therefore, listen very carefully. When I finish talking, you will have only 5 minutes to complete the task. What is the task? The task is to escape from this room. How do you escape? As I said, the door through which you entered has been permanently locked. But, at the opposite side you can find another door, which is locked from this side. That's your escape route. If that's a good news, I have got a bad news for ya. The key to the lock is placed inside the instrument to your left. However, getting the key from the instrument is not a child's work.


To be continued on Monday night 

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Your memory

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