Monday, November 15, 2021

Thriller The ultimate choice 33

 Episode 33

You can see that you can't enter more than two fingers of yours. If you think that you can break the glass instrument and get the keys, I am afraid, you are sadly mistaken. These two isntruments have been interconnected with glass pipes. With every jerk to the left one, the very fragile joints on the right will open up, leading to leaking of the gas at a rapid rate, and you will die in few seconds. Some portion of the apparatus on the right is made up of a very fragile material and the pressure of the gas is maintained in such a way that if you try to stop the leakage by putting pressure on its orifice, the vulnerable parts will break up leading to the leakage at a very rapid rate.

By now, you must have understood that I am a man of my word. So, don't commit the mistake of trying to break the glass to get the key or don't try to stop the leakage of the deadly gas by putting pressure on the orifice. Many contestants had lost their lives by trying to do that. So, how do you get the key?

The only way to get the key is to put weight on the left side of the scale to the extent when you will be able to put your two fingers on the right to pick it. But for that you will have to put 750 gm of weight. The weight of the key is only 50 gm, but the scales are unevenly balanced. The diameter of the orifice lets only liquid to be entered. In this room, you will not find a single drop of liquid. So, how do you get it?

You must get it from your body. But, you can't use your urinary bladder as you know we have made it empty just before entering this room. So, how do you get the liquid? The only answer is blood. You have to donate 750 gm of your blood to the left side of the scale to get the key. But, you cannot waste time in doing so.

2 minute is over. You will feel the effect of the gas right now. Your task begins now. Good luck!"

The monitor went blank. Thanks to the input from the Joker, Archana was mentally prepared for the job. She had no hesitation in hurting herself, but she was quite perplexed how to do that! Extracting almost 1 kg of blood in 4 minutes, leaving 1 minute to unlock and escape from the room, seemed to be an unattainable job. Archana looked frantically to see if she could find a sharp object inside the room. But there seemed to be none, as there was nothing in the room except the table and the the bizarre instruments. Besides the tv monitor, there was a digital clock on the walls. But, they were at such a great height that it was beyond Archana's reach. The edges of the table were not sharp enough to draw blood from her hand. Archana's nails were clipped just a day before by the Joker's men.

Recognising the value of each second, Archana tried to rend her left forearm with her clipped nails. But to her utter disappointment, only a few droplets of blood oozed out from her forearm. There was a digital clock on top of a wall, which was going backwards. It started at 5-00. Now, Archana looked quickly to see that 30 second had already elapsed. Now, Archana could feel the effect of the gas. Her head had started spinning, the food she ate at night was trying to come out of her mouth.

Archana tried harder to cut her skin of her forearm. But, her effotrs seemed to be going in vain, as she could not extract even 20 gm of blood. But, another valuable 20 second had passed. Archana could not withhold vomiting anymore. She bent down holding her stomach, and puked nonstop for another 30 seconds. Now, she felt worse. She thought that someone was choking her throat. She understood that she was losing the battle. She couldn't see any light regarding how to escape from this impenetrable misery. The effect of the deadly gas was clearly seen in not only her body, but also in her psyche. She had already crouched on the barren floor with drooping shoulder and head.


Rajan had been originally from village, where he had spent the first 18 years of his life. Village boys  are supposed to be very hardy, they are supposed to take a lot of pain as they have to work very hard for living. Unfortunately, Rajan hadn't acquired that painstaking ability during that period.

Rajan had been cursing the Joker since his arrival here. But, he didn't realise that the Joker had tried extremely hard to prepare him for the tests during his brief stay here. It was not as if Rajan hadn't improved. He could clearly feel that his soft body was no longer soft. He never had any muscles in his body. He could not run for more than 5 minutes at a go. But, now he could run nonstop for an hour. When he touched his own shoulder, sometimes,  he himself got surprised to notice the hardness! During his bathing time, he got impressed by his newly formed biceps, triceps, deltoid and pectoral mussels.

But when the time for the test came, nothing worked for Rajan. He didn't hit them, but he tried to wiggle. Rajan had a belief that after toiling hard here, he had gathered quite a bit of strength. But, he was utterly surprised when Rod held his two arms from behind. Did he have iron fists? Rajan could not move an inch. When he tried to twist his body, he received a slap in his face from Rod. Rajan could never imagine in his wild dreams that a slap could be so forceful! He saw stars in his eyes, and almost lost consciousness. At that moment, Roger said, "Sorry mate! My friend is a little ruthless. The more you protest, his brutality will increase further.

The impact of the slap was so forceful that Rajan stopped offering any resistance for few moments. The two gay men merrily undressed him and used him as sex object for one hour. They were not allowed to use any lubricant by the order of the Joker, but they were kind enough to use plenty of saliva as a replacement of lubricant. But, saliva is no alternative of lubricant. So, Rajan was subjected to extreme torture for full 60 minutes. Fortunately, no visceral injury occued to him. He could not bear the pain for long and became unconscious after half an hour. But, the two monsters showed no mercy on him, and used his unconscious body with glee for the entire time.

When Rajan opened his eyes, he found himself lying on a bed in a place which was not unfamiliar to him. It was same hospital where he had been admitted when he was hurt from the fall during his failed effort to escape from this place. After a few moments, Rajan remembered what happened to him. Rajan got scared, there must have been grave injuries in his internal bodyparts. Rajan quickly inspected himself to find that he was given saline. Rajan tried to sit up. He was apprehensive that it would be very painful to do that. But, when he found no pain, he was slightly amazed.

"Amazing! Ain't it?" Ranjan seemed to have appeared in the room from no where with a cheerful expression on his face.

Unfortunately, Rajan could not bring the same expression and say anything reciprocal in response. In fact, without his knowledge his jaws stiffened.

"Relax man! I am not here to fight. In fact, I am here to congratulate you on your success to pass the third test. Well done man!"

Rajan didn't know what to say. He was apprehensive of the damages done to his inner parts. But, he felt ashamed to ask about that.

But, the guy Ranjan seemed to be a thought-reader. He said,

"Nothing has happened to you mate, nothing! You are as healthy as you were before the experience. Well, first time gay-sex might be painful to some people, but you know what? This is the world's best nursing home! World's best medicos work here and the medicines are simply out of the world. We took just 24 hours to heal you completely. You will have to spend another 24 hour here, and you will be released after that."

"Really, are you kidding?" Who would know better than Rajan that what happened to him?

"You will know yourself man after tomorrow when you will walk into your normal life. However mate, if that's a good news, I have got a bad news for you, too."

The hard life and the horrible experiences that Rajan had received here had made his mind strong enough to shot back,

"I am all ears. Tell me what is next?"

To be continued on Thursday night 

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Your memory

You think I don't care for you But your thought makes me nostalgic, You think I am very unromantic But your memory makes me a poet. ...