Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Thriller The ultimate choice 52

 Episode  52

As a desperate measure, Archana pointed her gun towards the fleeing Joker. The Joker had handed her a revolver. But Archana couldn't understand how it became a heavy, long range rifle. Archana lifetd the gun after some effort. But, how could she point it towards the Joker, as he was continuously changing directions? Archana was taught how to fix target on static objects, but she didn't know how to shoot moving targets.

Suddenly, her dream was broken and she was utterly surprised to find herself blindfolded and muffled. Her hands and legs were tied by ropes, too. She struggled hard to disentangle herself from the ropes for a while only to find that it was impossible. She screamed but no sound came out of her mouth, as a rag was put in her mouth.

After her futile efforts of 15 minutes, she sat still. She calmed her mind and tried to assess her position. From the cold feeling on her feet, she guessed that she was sitting on a metallic base. She hit the floor with the knuckles of her hand, and yes, the sound was metallic. She tried to roll on the surface only to find that the perimeter of her enclosure was very short. The air she breathed was heavy and suffocating.  Now, she had no problem in understanding that she had been kept in a metallic closed cage type of thing. From sounds coming from various ends it appeared to her that a few more people were also immured like her.

She tried to remember how she got stuck in such a precarious situation. In her early days in this hell house she was tied and starved for a couple of days. But after she agreed to obey the Joker's commands, she had never been subjected to this kind of harsh treatments. She remembered that around 3-40 PM in the afternoon, a masked man took her to a football ground in the back side of the building. She reached there at 3-50 PM. She saw both Rajan and Siddharth were also present on the same ground. Watching her beloved people after so long, she became extremely happy. She didn't know why she was taken there, but she waved her hands towards them. But, as they were in the opposite side of the ground they didn't notice her.

But suddenly, the Jaguar car came towards her and someone extremely powerful lifted her inside the car. Before she could understand what was happening, the powerful guy anesthetized her, and she found herself in this dicey position.

She sat there for half an hour thinking what to do. Suddenly, she sensed a very sweet faint smell and within few seconds lost her consciousness again.


"Oh Ranjan you are genius man, simply genius!"

Xi's enthusiasm knew no bound after the grand show machinated by Ranjan. He knew the progress of investigation of the Andhra cops took a nosedive. They would require at least a week to recover from the mess they had been put in.

"He made a mistake, but now he has compensated it."

The Joker opined. They pinpointed the moment when Ranjan got casual, leading to his face recognition by the Ravenous Eagles sleuths. They had no problem in detecting the customer who had betrayed them. They had not just kicked him out of the membership at the crunch moment, but on the same night he was killed in Omdurman by the assailants sent by Angra Mainyu, the name of the Joker's company. His all electronic gadgets had also been confiscated by the Joker's men. The police in that city was completely in collusion with Angra Mainyu. They made sure that there would be no investigation into the murder.

Ranjan bowed his head and said,

"The mistake was all mine, but the credit goes to our team. Without our team work, we couldn't have done it."

The plan might have been hatched by Ranjan, but indeed team work was necessary for its successful execution. Three cars came at a lightning speed to yank the three participants into the cars. They knew there would be not much of a resistance for Archana and Rajan, but Siddharth being a different kettle of fish, they had to again shoot a dart on his arm to make him go to sleep. The other two were anesthetized inside the car.

All the other members of the house, except the Lakhotias and a few Indian attendants, were sent to the hidden underground bunker earlier. The Ravenous Eagles guys had no chance of finding it, because this underground bunker was situated 30 feet below the surface, that too in a place that was extremely hard to suspect. This underground hiding room was beneath the swimming pool. Archana, Rajan and Siddharth were tied, blindfolded and muffled. They were placed in steel containers in a separate room.

The important items of the house had been hidden in other underground bunkers earlier. The Joker had made this place an amazing place for playing hide-and-seek with the cops . There were 15 underground rooms at different places in the premises. There were various hidden tunnels and other important things in this arena.

"Whatever you say, your plot to implicate Khan was awesome!"

The praises coming out of Nigella's luscious lips sounded real sweet to Ranjan. Nigella's look was full of adoration for Ranjan. Had Ranjan been not a gay, he would've tried to decode the meaning of the body language of Nigella. He said,

"The credit again goes to our team. They had gathered all information about Khan in a very short time. This shamus, Khan, has been a brute of a guy, and he had a number of incidents in his career when he had shown extreme arrogance. That's why it was easy to trap him, and convince his higher authorities about his involvement in killing the bull."

"Now, we get at least 7 days. But, we will end this competition within a couple of days. We will have to pack up from here for a while after that. We will shift to Uganda, an extremely safe place for us."

 The Joker announced.

"But why two more days, Sir? We should start packing up right now." Xi as usual was fearful.

"No Xi! Archana needs further training of hitting moving objects with heavy long range rifles. She needs a fair chance to survive. I give her two days. On the third day morning the ultimate final test will be done."

Everyone agreed happily with the Joker.


"You must have been wondering hard what happened yesterday afternoon!"

Ranjan and Rajan were walking towards the practicing ground. It was 5-30 AM in the morning, and even in the middle of March, the weather was very pleasant.

"Yes, I really didn't get what happened yesterday! Was there an emergency situation?" Rajan asked, as he knew nothing about the search operation by the police.

"Indeed, there was an emergency situation. You have seen the pitbulls. But, we have some other breeds as well, like fox terriers, hounds etc. One of the black hound, whose name is Khan had became mad a week ago. We would have ended his agony yesterday, but he apprehended something and fled. He was coming towards the ground. That's why we saved you from the situation. But, in the process you got a head injury. Now, everything is alright!"

To be continued on tomorrow night 

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Your memory

You think I don't care for you But your thought makes me nostalgic, You think I am very unromantic But your memory makes me a poet. ...