Monday, December 20, 2021

Thriller The ultimate choice 51

 Episode 51

Srinivas and Khan looked at each other confoundedly, as nobody understood what Ranjan meant. At that moment, Mukherjee came into the room hurriedly holding his phone in hand.

"Sir, we have to leave immediately. More than thousand angry people are protesting outside this property for arresting Khan Sir."

"But why?" The indomitable Khan's voice seemed to have trembled a bit.

"They are alleging that you have killed Bhola, the popular Brahma bull of this locality, whom people revered as Nandi avatar. You have hurt their sentiments, and they want you to be arrested. Else, they would themselves vie for your blood."

Mukherjee passed the information that he received from the IC of the police station. Indeed, some kind of clamouring could be heard coming from outside the gate.

"But I didn't kill the bull. I fired in air just to shoo it away from our path. You all have seen that."

"No, I didn't see anything, Sir. But that's not the point, because a short video that shows you killing the bull has become viral in social media. You can see it yourself."

Mukherjee offered his phone to Khan. The cops were amazed to see that indeed a very short video of 30 second got viral. The video showed the scenes of the cops when they were trying to shoo away Bhola from the road. The video focussed on Khan. It showed Khan taking out his revolver. The next scene showed Bhola down with bullet injuries.

"It's clearly doctored. It doesn't show me shooting the bull." Khan announced.

"It doesn't matter Khansama! Who cares what you actually did! The people believe that you have done it, and that's what matters. I am pretty sure they are baying for your blood. If our watchmen, whom you also bit, open the door, you will see what is called the people power! Shall we open the gate?" This time Ranjan's voice showed great conviction which no body could ignore.

"What he is saying is right, Sir. The people of this place are very violent in nature. Anything can happen if they manage to enter here. We should leave immediately. Also, the IC wants to meet you for investigation related to the killing of the bull." Mukherjee submitted humbly.

Khan would have punched Mukherjee in the face, had Srinivas not intervened at the right time. Srinivas, too, had faced a lot of difficult law and order situations in his career. He was experienced enough to understand that the people protesting outside were indeed very angry. He had no problem in understanding that someone had manufactured the video to instigate them against Khan. Communal feelings had been stoked very purposefully.

"We will have to abort the operation now. I sense, indeed, a situation has arisen outside. But, how do we go from there?" Srinivas looked at Mukherjee.

Roy was extremely disappointed. Roy understood that this notorious agency must have hidden all the people in some very secure place. They had kept a close watch on the entire boundary of the premises. They would have definitely known, had they escaped from here. That was why Roy was damn sure that this place held the key. He knew that a thorough investigation for few hours more would have definitely yielded results. But, he too got messages from his back-up team that indeed more than thousand people armed with swords and sticks had been waiting outside for them.

Roy said, "There are 3 more gates in this compound. We can move out from any one of them."

"Is this your dad's property, Mr Roy? The 3 other gates have been permanently locked for years, and we don't have the keys."

Having the upper hand in the situation, Ranjan was in no mood to lose a chance to harass them.

"Then you suggest how can we get out from here?" Mukherjee asked.

"Arrest Khan. Show him handcuffed to the people. This will pacify them. Then I will manage."

This was too much for Khan to control himself. His expert hands took out the revolver from the holster at a lightning speed, and he unlocked the safety catch pointing the gun on the forehead of Ranjan. It was not as if Ranjan didn't notice the swift movement of Khan, but he didn't react.

"So, you are the one who instigated the crowd, ha? You want me to be arrested? What will you do if I pull the trigger and unload my gun on your f###ing, shrivelled forehead?"

"Holy $$$$! You are again trying to scare me? You seem to be pretty thick-skulled guy! You are still not getting it! You have committed a great sin by disturbing communal harmony of this place. Don't get shocked if you get damnation from your superiors!"

Ranjan was not at all bothered by threats posed by Khan. In fact, there was a nice smile seen on his face.

This had further enraged Khan, and no body knew whether he would have indeed pulled the trigger or not, but indeed his phone rang. Khan looked at the phone, and that had changed his facial expression dramatically. The conversation was brief, but it appeared to everyone that someone from the other end was giving a mouthful to him.

Khan didn't say much except yes Sir and no Sir. At the end of the call, he said to Ranjan,

"I will not let you go scotfree, you scoundrel! I will surely get you. But for the moment we will have to leave. Let's go folks."

The cops and the sleuths boarded the cars and left the place hurriedly. Even though the public were protesting outside, they let them go.


Archana had been living in this hellish place for few months, but she had never been taken outside the ten-storeyed building afer her one-day skinny dipping in the swimming pool. So, she was amazed to see the beautiful garden. The garden was blooming with red, blue, yellow, purple and pink flowers. Nightingales, robins, bluebirds, finches and many other songbirds were chirping in the garden making this place a virtual paradise. A beautiful rivulet with pale blue colour was flowing through the garden. Archana could see colourful fishes swimming in the transparent water.

Suddenly, four little fawns came towards her. They were so lovely. Archana crouched on the field, and put her hands on the head of one of the baby deer affectionately. She was not scared, in fact, she licked the hand of Archana. The other 3 deer were feeding on the lavish green grass.

Archana lamented why was she not taken to this beautiful place earlier! Suddenly, she found the Joker standing in front of her.

She blurted, "You can stand on your own legs! Then why do you use wheel-chair?"

The Joker seemed to be in a tart mood. He paid no hiddance to Archana's innocent question. Rather, he pointed out a handgun on Archana's head and said,

"How does it matter whether I stand on my own feet or not? You are nothing but a slave here. Your life is in our hand. If I wish I can take it any moment. And, I am going to shoot you right now."

"No, please don't do that."

 Archana pleaded as she was really scared.

The Joker handed his gun to Archana and said,

"In that case, shoot me. You have only two options either kill or be killed."

Saying this the Joker started to run. Archana noted that she was surrounded by Ranjan, the yoga instructor and few other people who pointed their guns towards Archana. They were laughing hysterically and goading lyrically,

"Kill him or get killed. Kill him or get killed."

To be continued on tomorrow night 

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Your memory

You think I don't care for you But your thought makes me nostalgic, You think I am very unromantic But your memory makes me a poet. ...