Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Thriller The ultimate choice 20


"What the heck are you doing Srinivas? Will you be the reason for fall of my government?"

Srinivas was the renowned, redoubtable SP of Chittoor district, who had been profusely praised by everyone, starting from the common man to his superiors in the police, for curbing the crime rate of Chittoor significantly since his taking over charge. He was the man who believed in leading from front, he was the man who was said to be incorruptible, he was the man whom even the wily politicians respected. Because of his incorruptible nature, he had been transferred very often. But, in the last few years, the chief minister of the state, who also happened to be home minister, Mr Surya Babu, had seen the positive sides of him, and he had been in the same district for the last couple of years, a record for his own service.

Last night, Srinivas led from the front in liquidating 2 members of the notorious Rambabu  gang with the help of local Gajulamandyam police station staff. He arrived home at 3 AM in the morning. He was sleeping, and his sleep was broken by frantic pushes from his wife at 7 AM in the morning. Srinivas, too, was surprised to see the CM calling him at this odd hour. His surprise knew no bound when he heard the above-mentioned bizarre scolding. The CM had never spoken to him in this rude tone ever. 

"What happened Sir?"

"Why? Haven't you read the morning newspapers?"

"Sorry Sir! What have they published?"

"What kind of officer are you? Are you unaware of the NRI lady kidnapping case in your district? Archana, a USA resident who arrived around a fortnight back in India from the USA was kidnapped on the first day of her arrival."

"Oh, that case in the Tirupathi East Police station! Yes Sir, I am aware of that case. A NRI lady named Archana arrived in her hometown in Tirupati on 18th January alone. On the same day, she was abducted by some unknown assailants from an unknown place."

"Unknown place? What are you talking man? Haven't you read the Andhra Today article? The article doesn't say so. It says she was kidnapped from Tirupati while going to the famous Tirumala Venkateswara Temple for offering puja. It also says the local police has done nothing for the last 17 days. Do you know how much damage it has caused to the reputation of my government? Do you know we have to face elections this year?" The CM fumed.

"Cool down Sir! If that's the news, I have got a good news for you." Srinivas had talked to the temperamental CM a few times. He knew the CM could evolve fire one moment, but the next moment he might cool down and behave in a sober manner.

"What good news? Tell me." The CM was anxious to hear the good news.

"Sir, we have checked all the CCTV footages in the temple region thoroughly. There had not been any case of kidnapping, or for that matter Ms Archana could be seen anywhere." Srinivas  thought this would calm the nerves of the agitated CM.

"Oh Srinivas! You call this a good news? You might be relieved of your obligation, but don't forget she is an NRI hailing from my state. I have to find her to save my reputation. Have you found from where she was kidnapped?"

"This is a very complicated case Sir. For the last 15 years, she visits her hometown with her children. But, the timing is different. She visits India during  late June with her entire family. While her husband Rajan visits his ancestral hometown in Visakhapatnam,  she comes here with her two children, and stays here for a fortnight. But, this visit was completely different. She came alone, and she left home telling that she was going to visit the Tirumala Venkateswara Temple. But she never went there, and so far we could not ascertain where she was actually going."

"Hmm! So, you could not determine where and when she was abducted. What about her husband Rajan?"

"That's even more astonishing, Sir! Rajan was abducted from his hometown Visakhapatnam on the same day. He was going to meet his college friend Mr Suresh Rao, a renowned industrialist in our state, I am sure, you must have heard his name."

"Suresh Rao? Yes, I know him very well. He has established a chain of factories in my state that gives employment to thousands of people. What is the relationship between the two?"

"They both studied in the same IIT Sir. As far as I have gathered information,  Rajan had become jobless in the US. He decided to settle in India, and start his career anew. Suresh Sir wanted to employ him as his chief advisor. He was going to meet Mr Reddy, the local SBI manager before meeting Suresh ji in Hyderabad. But, he never reached the bank. I talked to the SP of Visakhapatnam, my colleague,  Khan, about the case. They, too, could not ascertain where Rajan was abducted."

'Oh my! What's happening in my state? Thank God, that case was not reported in the newspaper! Anyways, I order you to put your 100 percent to solve the case as soon as possible. I will also direct Khan to do the same. You can call me any time for any help, and assure you 100% assistance."

"Ok Sir! I will try my best to solve the case as soon as possible hence onwards!"

Srinivas heaved a sigh, as he saw the call was cut from the CM. 

To be continued 

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