Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Thriller The ultimate choice

Episode 8

"What are you doing Archu? This is wrong!" Somehow, Sid could release himself from the lip-lock.

"What is wrong in it baby?" Archana's pupils expanded in astonishment. It seemed to her that Sid had asked the stupidest question in the world!

"You are a married woman! You have a husband." Sid was very nervous. His voice trembled, and he stammered a bit, not to mention his heartbeat sounded like drums.

"Oh come on baby! You are not a puritan. You address me Honey. Don't you?" Archana was in no mood of wasting time. So, she bowled a yorker.

Sid again fumbled, as no satisfactory answer occurred in his head.

"Or, are you engaged with someone else?" Her voice raised in anger, and Sid was again caught off guard.

Sid himself was caught in a dilemma between his desires and morality, and he could understand that the hormones were getting the upper hand. Now those questions made him with no option but to surrender himself to the situation.

From the body language of Sid, it didn't take more than a second for Archana, even in her intoxicated state, to understand that now it was the moment that she had been expecting for long. So, without wasting any time she took off her saree. She stood in front of Sid opening her both arms in invitation. As dumbfounded Sid sat standstill, Archana took her blouse and petticoat off. Now, she was in only bra and panty, the hot lava of desires burning her soul.

"Oh my Gosh", was the expression that came out spontaneously from Sid's mouth. It was not that Sid hadn't seen women's body in adult films, but this was the first time in his life when he realized that sitting in front of an amorous bella donna could be so rapturous! If he was a  candle, he had been completely melted. If he was TNT, he was ready to explode.

Archana was still standing with her arms stretched. Sid could no longer ignore the invitation. So, he stood up, willing to take Archana in his arms.
But suddenly, his phone announced, "Malati calling, Malati calling", and started to ring.

"Holy shit!" Both Sid and Archana uttered the expletive simultaneously.

"Who the hell is this killjoy Malati? Cut the call." Archana hissed.Sid's face turned pale, and the romantic vibes vanished in thin air. Because, Malati was the lady whom the entire staff of his company feared. She was the face that the management had been using when they needed to sack someone. She had warned everyone to answer her calls within two rings, else they knew what could happen.

It was well rumoured in the company that she had once fired a Pakistani guy for absenting without informing the management for only 3 days. There was no reason for Sid to disbelieve the story, as the contract he signed with the company had stringent conditions, and many things depended on the good will of the management.

Today, Sid absented from the office without informing anyone. He knew Malati never granted any leave without valid reasons, and nothing stopped her from ferreting the real reason. So, it took no time for fear to take control of his mind, and the romance seemed to have been given a punishment of lifetime imprisonment.

"Show up within half an hour" was the crisp but stern message she delivered before cutting off the call. Sid darted towards the door like a bullet.


No light was coming from anywhere in the room. Despite remaining here for more than an hour Rajan could not see anything. How can it be so dark inside the room, was there no window or door here, Rajan wondered! Rajan felt sharp pain in his forehead. It appeared to him that he fell on his forehead. As no other body part was paining, Rajan inferred that it was his forehead that took the entire impact of the fall. Rajan was happy for a moment, but very soon he realized that he was as hungry as a lion who hadn't eaten for a month.

"Hello? Is there anybody here?" Rajan cried for help. But, like the last time no one answered. Intermittently, Rajan tried his luck for at least 2 hours. He could tolerate pain, but he couldn't ignore hunger. In his childhood, when the provisions were in short, he drank jugs of water whenever he felt hunger.

Flabbergasted, Rajan resigned to his fate. He tried to think what happened after his loss of balance on the railing in the roof.


To be continued on Saturday night 

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Your memory

You think I don't care for you But your thought makes me nostalgic, You think I am very unromantic But your memory makes me a poet. ...