Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Thriller The ultimate choice 6

Episode 6

"Don't stop me Sid! My life is a virtual hell. No joy in it. Let me have some joy for this day, at least!" Archana's eyes had become already red and broody.

"In that case, wine is not the solution. But, I am sure you will like this!"

Archana hadn't lost all her senses by then. She became curious,  and said, "What?"

Siddharth took the diamond ring and placed it on Archana's left ring finger. Archana's eyes got wide open, she could not understand what was happening! Then Siddharth took the gift packet, and gave it to Archana saying,

"Happy Birthday Honey! Don't ask how I knew it."

Tears rolled down on Archana's cheeks. She had no more hesitation in deciding that Siddharth was the man destined for her.

Siddharth didn't know how to react when Archana's luscious red lips locked with his. It came all of a sudden. He was a vigorous young man. His blood started to boil. He didn't know how to react to this.

There was a huge conflict between his heart and brain. Despite being an eligible bachelor, Sid had never been so close to any girl. He had a few girlfriends over the years, but it had never been physical, even to extent of hugging and kissing. He started this relationship with Archana very casually. He never imagined that it could result in such romantic but precarious situation. His heart was telling him to give in to Archana's burning desires.

But his brain was saying otherwise. Beside being his senior colleague in the company, Rajan was almost like his elder brother. He helped Sid a lot when he came to the US for the first time. He guided him during his early days in the company like a godfather. When he first saw Archana, he thought of her as nothing but his bhavi. He knew she was at least, five years older than him. But, the situation changed over the years.

Sid realized that there was a huge problem in the conjugal relationship between Rajan and Archana, and if anyone was to be blamed for that it was his dear Rajan bhaia. It didn't escape Sid's astute eyes that Archana was getting aloof from life. Her health deteriorated, and on certain occasions she looked suicidal to him. Only at that juncture, he thought of helping her.

When you sit idle, you don't have anything exciting to do, time always seems to stop. Even passing of a minute takes eons. But, when you need time dearly, you are in hurry to finish something within time limit, you find the speed of the clock has increased. Quite amazing, ain't It? Rajan was in desperate need of time. His boss gave him 6 months to find a suitable new  job. But to Rajan's utter dismay, 6 months passed like 6 hours. He found himself in a situation that he dreaded the most.

He didn't break the news at home. He didn't break his normal routine, either. He frantically searched for a new job. He threw all his hesitations to join a job whose remuneration was not commensurate to his experience and qualification. He had one such opening a few months ago. So, he applied there again. But, he was aghast to know that the position had already been filled.

Much of Rajan's savings were in stocks, bonds and debentures. Apart from that, he had invested heavily in real estate in his home town in India. He had always kept very meager amount of liquid money at banks. His salary was credited to his bank account, and the monthly expenses were debited from that account with the help of cards. That money in his savings account dried up as quickly as a bottle of water would vanish in a desert.

The failure to get a suitable new job, coupled with the anxieties of making both ends meet, made him 6 years older in just 6 months. After repeated failures, one fine day, he decided that he could not bear the torture of failures any more. He even thought of fleeing from life. That would end all his agonies. He thought that he had been a pious man, who never committed any sin knowingly. Therefore, he was sure of landing in heaven, where he would enjoy blissful time. 

On the fateful day, when he was unceremoniously given the pink slip, he didn't return home after the office was over. Instead he went to the ground floor of the 26-storeyed office building, where the canteen was situated. This was the place where he had plenty of good memories. The waiter didn't know that this was his last day in the office. He was a tad surprised to see him at this odd hour. A few young people came here after office to drink beer. But, Rajan was never part of that gang.

Rajan avoided the crowd, and sat in a corner. In midst of the noisy conversations and occasional enthusiastic cheers of the young crowd, the Pakistani waiter came to him and asked, "What should I bring for you? This is beer time. But, you never drink beer."

"Well Sohail, this is a special day. You know what? Something special happened to me today. I will not tell you right now. But, today I want to celebrate. Please bring a bottle of whiskey for me."

Rajan knew that he needed some courage, which he would never gather in normal situation.

Sohail winked and handed him a bottle of whiskey and a bottle of soda. Rajan didn't hurry. He believed in the saying  that one should drink his whiskey nice and slow. Rajan drank almost 200 ml of whiskey over an hour.

The closer time for the canteen was over, and he had no other option but to stop. But, by that time, he got the kick that he desperately needed. He was ready. He entered the the lift, and pressed the top 25th floor button.  A guard in blue uniform was sitting there. There was a beautiful garden at the roof, and throughout the day, many people visited there.

"What?" The guard asked rudely to see a visitor at this odd hour.

"A photo of the sunset! My wife loves it." Rajan  had no hesitation in telling a fact that was not a lie either.

"Sorry, time is over! Come tomorrow." The guard was preparing to lock the door.

"One second Fred, just one second! This is very important. I will be back within 5 minutes."

Rajan handed him a 100 dollar note. The guard might not have known Rajan, as he saw many people everyday. But, Rajan, having visited here on many occasions, knew him. But, he was not sure whether this taciturn guy could be bribed or not!

To be continued on 

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Your memory

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