Saturday, January 25, 2020

Thriller: The Ultimate Choice

Chapter 1​

When Archana opened her eyes, she could not see anything. "Have I become blind?" Archana asked herself, and became very worried. When she tried to look around her, she felt a sharp pain in her head. It appeared to her that her head was in the process of being decapitated.

"Oh my God, my head! What happened to my head?" Archana tried to touch her head with her right hand. But, she could not, as she found her right hand handcuffed with her left hand. Fortunately, her hands were not placed to her back side.

When her eyes got accustomed to the darkness, she could understand that she had been lying on a bare cement floor. The coldness of the floor was piercing her body like hundred of sharp spears. When she tried to sit up, she understood that her legs were also tied to each other with a 0.5" thick steel welded chain. She tried hard to tear off the chain. Archana, being an arts students, for the first time understood that the tensile strength of steel is 2160 MPa, where as that of human hair is 140 MPa.

Archana was dumbfounded! She was absolutely clueless what happened to her. She tried hard to remember what happened last, and she remembered.

"Sweetie are you sure you wanna do this?"

" Yes, yes, yes!" Archana didn't hesitate even for a second to come up with affirmation. She knew how much she was bored with her life.

"But, what about your husband Honey? How will he react?"

"Oh that monkey-brained, bulldog-faced penny-pincher? He should be very happy that he won't have to spend money on me any more!" These words came off like the whistle of a pressure cooker!

"Ha Ha! I wanted to ask how would he react? Will he lodge a missing diary in the police station? In that case, how do we react?" Siddharth asked sheepishly.

"He is such a money-minded guy that he hardly notices my presence in the house. I have become nothing more than a maid-cum-cook for him. When he will miss my tasty food, maybe he will take notice of me. But, don't worry! I have planned it. I shall tell him that I will go to my aunt's house at Illinois for a couple of days. He knows that my aunt has been suffering from cancer for quite some time. He will not suspect if I go there for a couple of days, as I had gone there on several occasions alone.

Actually, you know, he will be happy that he won't have to spend money on me for 2 days. In the meantime, we will be able to flee to India, where we will settle. You know that, Sid! I told you on numerous occasions." Archana was a tad disappointed at Siddharth.

"Yes Honey, I do remember what we will do in India. You will transfer your entire balance of 2 crore Rupees from your joint account to my account before leaving. I will transfer the money to my account in SBI in India. Then we shall buy a house in a small city where I will start a business, and we shall live happily." Siddarth could see a glint in Archana's portruding eyes, and a wide smile on her luscious lips.

"And what about your children Omkar and Vaishali?"

"They are grown up now. They know how I have been suffering at the hands of their father. You don't have to worry about them. They won't be unhappy. I assure you!"

"Hmm! Then Saturday 6 PM! We take the flight."

"Done!" Archana did a high five with Siddharth.

To be continued ​

1 comment:

Your memory

You think I don't care for you But your thought makes me nostalgic, You think I am very unromantic But your memory makes me a poet. ...