Sunday, January 26, 2020

Thriller: The Ultimate Choice 2

Episode 2​

"Dear, please don't say me to skip tomorrow's party at Sridevi's house. You know, Sri's daughter Anushka will turn 5 tomorrow, and they will celebrate the event with a grand party." Archana snuggled towards Rajan, and placed her hand on Rajan's chest. She knew Rajan loved this gesture.

"How many times I have to tell you that I am going through a troubled time in the office?" Telling this in an angry tone, Rajan turned to the opposite side.

Archana was not an extrovert girl by nature. Actually, she had to practice a few times to come up with that spoony move, and that was the best shot she could offer. Sridevi was none other than Archana's own sister. Like Rajan, Sridevi's husband Shiva worked in a software farm, a different one though. A few months back, Archana remembered, they had presented an expensive anarkali churidar in Vaishali's birthday. This was not only a mere matter of reciprocating, but also a matter of self-respect for her.

Revolting was not in her nature, all she could do was to shed tears in silence.

"You are working in my farm for the last 15 years, and I must say that I have never seen a more dedicated employee than you. You have not taken a single day of leave in these years, and you have never come late for even single day!"

"Is that all he wanted to say for this urgent meeting?" Rajan didn't know how to react to this profuse praise showered by his otherwise taciturn and a taskmaster boss.

"You must be wondering why I am saying all this to you! Well, you must have heard of Artificial Intelligence, robotics, automation etc! Do you know how hard it is to maintain a healthy growth rate in this dog-eat-dog competitive business environment? The bonehead owners don't know anything other than making dollars! The moment you fall short of your target, you become a villain in their eyes."

Now, Rajan got a chilling sense in his spine. He had seen a lot of layoffs in the recent years. He had seen his bosom friends gone for good. He had seen the dedicated workers go, he had seen the casual workers go. He had always hoped that this would not happen to him. But, why these frigging words?

"Well Rajan, I have been ordered to cut off my work force by 30% in the next 2 years. This will be done in phases, of course. Please, don't blame me, as my hands are tied. You are working in a field which can be replaced by automation. You know that. But, you being one of the best employees of my farm, I give you 6 months of time before I lay you off. Please try to find a new job in this time."

Rajan's world had turned up side down since he heard those chilling words. He had tried his best to find an alternative job in the same field. He found that only one company was interested, but they offered only half the remuneration that Rajan had been getting. That was too insulting for a senior guy like him. So, Rajan had begun to prepare for cooling his heels for some time.

In the meantime, he had to drastically cut the expenses which he thought were extravagant. Rajan and his wife Archana were accustomed to at least 5 parties in a month, 3 to 4 eating outs in posh restaurants, cinemas in multiplexes, frequenting shopping malls for the latest trendy dresses, and the list was endless. But now the only thought that murmured in Rajan's head was, "I have to save as much as money possible in these months." Rajan didn't share this shocking news with his wife, as he thought it would create unnecessary panic in her.

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Your memory

You think I don't care for you But your thought makes me nostalgic, You think I am very unromantic But your memory makes me a poet. ...