Saturday, December 12, 2015

Ramdev a gift for Hinduism?

I think Ramdev is a gift from heaven for the purpose of revitalizing Hinduism and economy.

Yoga is an inherent part of Hinduism. The rigorous 8-fold (ashtanga) path which can lead one to ultimate spiritual bliss, or should  I say which can join jeevatma with paramatma, is specifically meant for yogis. Grihees, ie, ordinary people, are not prescribed to perform yoga. But apart from spiritual aspect of yoga, it has other extremely beneficial effects on mind and body. For that one does not have to practice all 8-fold steps, but a few asanas and pranayamas can do wonders.

B K S Iyengar, Swami Sivananda and few other yoga gurus laid the foundation for propagation of yoga. But the entire credit goes to Baba Ramdev for making it popular among the masses. I am not saying Ramdev is better than Sri Sri Ravi Sankar or Sadhguru. In fact, I myself do not follow Ramdev's teachings as I don't find them rigorous. But what makes him special is that he has made yoga a pan Indian success. Ramdev's another special ability is his expertise in ayurveda. Very few yoga gurus have this unique quality. Yoga combined with ayurveda is a winning combination. These are the two best advertisements for Hinduism, too.

Many people froth at mouth speaking about importance of FDI to boost economy. FDI is favorable to economic welfare only if appropriate conditions exist in the host economy. This includes such factors as adequate absorptive capacity and human capital, a capacity of domestic businesses to face and hold out foreign competition, abundance of projects and market gaps that cannot be filled up by home producers.

But, I wonder why they ignore the need for swadeshi industry! Temporarily, FDI will infuse dollars in the system,  generate jobs for locals and provide new technologies, capital, products, organizational technologies, management skills and potential cooperation and business opportunities for local businesses, but in the long run more will be taken out of India. One more aspect that is important is that FDI might serve not only a way of doing money, but also a way of acquiring a certain control, both economical and political, in the host country.  Make in India will be a full success when NRIs along with resident Indians will set up industries in India. Ramdev is exactly doing this. If Ramdev can export his products,  he will be a bigger success.

So, all the best to Ramdev.

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