Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Amir what's in your mind?

Unlike other Khans, Amir has a good head on his shoulders. As is seen in his selection of films, he takes every step calculatively. He leaves no stone unturned to make his films successful. Therefore, judging by his character, I don't agree with those who think that he merely joined the bandwagon of protests against perceived intolerance. So what made him open his mouth?

He must have calculated that by taking a political stand, he will antagonise a large number of people. He must have known that 31% of voters had cast their votes in favour of the current ruling party. Little known writers or rather unknown film directors  can afford to do that. But for a film hero, the number is huge. That's why we generally don't see film stars taking a political position during the peak of their career. The bitter experience of Amitabh Bachchan is worth remembering in this respect.

Before Amir, Shahrukh Khan also took a position against the ruling party. But he had, at least, some reason to do so. He has been hounded by the ED for sometime.  But Amir had no such issue.

Did he really believe that India has become intolerant?  As I said he is an intelligent guy, that's an impossibility. No logical person can believe that as this perception is not backed by facts. So, what made him do this?

Is he contemplating to join politics? Again, the answer is negative,  as he has, at least, good 5 to 6 years left in his career. He knows public memory is short; people will forget this before the release of his next film.

Therefore, I am left with only two possibilities. Either, he wants to show solidarity with King Khan, who thinks he is beyond the scope of ordinary laws.

Or, he has done it on the behest of some people, who must have promised him of some extraordinary reward in future. Now, it's any body's guess who the people and what's their motive are.

Pictures taken from net.

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