Thursday, December 27, 2018

Ghost story: You killed me

Chapter 3
Eyes like fireball​

At that time, we were standing in the dining room; while Sara was near the northern side window, I was standing near the southern side window. I quickly went to that window to see why she became so excited! I looked at her her face. It was pale. Very feebly she was pointing her finger towards the pond. There was no street light in that area. The very dim light that was coming was from the headlight of a vehicle. That too had gone quickly. However, for the few seconds it was there, I could not see anything.

So, I tried to pacify her, "Calm down! There is nothing."

"Bring a torch immediately", clinging my shirt, she uttered those words in a quivering voice.

In this mofussil area, 2 to 3 hour of power cut was a routine affair. So, I always kept a couple of torches ready. I quickly handed one to her. She again clung my shirt, and focussed the torch outside.

"That's the middle of the pond Sara. Pray tell what did you see there?" I was surprised to see that she was pointing the torch to the pond.

"It has gone." Still fear was coming out from her voice.

"But, what has gone?" I was slightly impatient.

"I don't know. I could not see the body in dark. But, I saw its eyes. They were like fire balls, and it was looking directly at me. It was initially very close to the window. But when I went near the window, it moved towards the pond."

When I was thinking hard what it could be, I suddenly noticed that the foul smell had gone. But, by that time, Sara had enough of the foul smell, and she started to vomit. I felt so awkward that I didn't know what to do. I thought of putting my hand on her shoulder. But I balked, as I had never done so. As a second thought, I offered her a glass of water. But, Sara refused, as she was still too scared.

"What was that smelly thing Akshar?" She, too, noticed that the foul smell had vanished.

"I think you must have seen the big water monitor that lives in the pond."

"What! Water monitor?" I could clearly see signs of disbelief on her face.

"Yes! I forgot to tell you about the monster-sized water monitor living here. I have seen it on many occasions. You must have seen that."

For the next ten minutes, I tried hard to make her believe that she had seen the water-monitor. I was not sure how successful I was in convincing her! She didn't wait anymore, as she was not feeling well. I called the driver, and instructed him to drop her to her temporary residence at Sonarpur.

The sumptuous food that I purchased for dinner was lying on the table begging for attention. All through my life, I had been a foodie. No matter how grave the situation was, I has never ignored the little pleasure season of my tongue. So, by nature, I pounced on the mutton biryani and chicken rezala. Unfortunately, I didn't get any taste. I felt something was very wrong. It was true that there lived a monstrous water monitor in the pond. I saw it from a very close range on more than one occasion. Of course, it was smelly, but the smell had been completely different. It had a fishy smell. But the awful smell that spoiled the evening was like a dried fish. Also, the description she narrated about the eyes could never match the lizard's eyes. I tried to tell myself that since she was scared, she must have exaggerated about the eyes.

Chapter 4
Mishap at Kalyani ​

Sara was not beautiful from the traditional point of view. Her eyes were not as deep as Deepika's eyes; her nose didn't resemble Katrina's, or her lips were not as luscious as Amisha's lips. But, you couldn't find faults with any of them. However at best, she could be called good-looking. But, what was most charming about her was her killer body. She was 5 ft 5 inches tall, had a perfect shape, on the slim side though. To me she looked like a Barbie doll.

I felt an unbridled attraction towards her. So, despite that incident, I carried on with the relationship. We were colleagues in the same district. Though, we were posted at different block head quarters -- me at Joynagar 2, and she at Sonarpur -- we had a monthly district meeting, where we met. Also, as both of the blocks were at Baruipur sub-division, we occasionally met at the SDO office. Sometimes, I invented some works at Baruipur, and form there went to Sonarpur to meet her.

Life was going on smoothly, and within a few months the ugly incident was erased from our memory. There was pressure of marriages on both of us. Our parents were aware of our relationship. Her father was a renowned judge. On couple of occasions, when I went to her home, I met him. I had always feared a judge. But, her dad looked a perfect gentlemen to me. From his body language, I could understand, he accepted me as his future son-in-law. Though Sara didn't visit our house, from the picture I showed to my parents, my parents, also, seemed to have approved our relationship. But, the big question was when was I going to formally propose her. Suddenly, I got a news that new recruits like us would have to undergo a training programme at Kalyani for 1 month. This had to be the time, I thought, I would have to seal the deal.

After the hectic last day under a tight training schedule, I took a shower. I tried my best to groom myself. I wore a vintage finishing Denim jeans and a yellow Monte Carlo T-shirt. The mid-November autumn evening was neither hot nor cool. Training period was over, tomorrow would be valediction session, and after that we would head towards our respective work places. During the course, we met regularly. Everyone became aware of our relationship. But still I could not formally propose her. So, I chose the day before the valediction day to be my D-day. As I saw in movies, I bought a diamond ring. I chose a restaurant of repute in Kalyani, and invited some of our common friends.

I rang Sara to make sure she was ready for our 7-30 PM rendezvous. She said, " I am getting down within 5 minutes." Others had been waiting outside for us in the lounge. Happily, I locked my room, and got down. I joined friends, and we were waiting for Sara to join us. Ashoke, one of our common friend, said, " She must be dressing to look like Katrina. That's why she is taking so long." Priya, another friend said, "In that case will she ever come out, because she will never look like Katrina?" Ashoke reprimanded her, " You, jealous girl!" I knew Priya liked me, but she was a bit shy to show her feelings towards me. It was indeed taking a bit too long. So, I looked at my watch, and suddenly, we heard a very loud scream, and a dull sound of a falling object.

We all ran towards the building to see what happened, and what we saw was the most horrific seen that I had ever seen. Sara was lying unconscious on the entrance of the floor. Her entire body seemed to have been ripped by some sharp object. There was a pool of blood on the floor. And most strikingly I noticed that same fetid smell.

To be continued ​

Picture taken form the Internet 

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Your memory

You think I don't care for you But your thought makes me nostalgic, You think I am very unromantic But your memory makes me a poet. ...