Sunday, September 9, 2018


When you were born
I dunno if the God smiled!
But your mom cried in joy
And said a little angle's arrived.

When you started walking
I dunno if the Earth stopped!
But your dad hugged and kissed your mom
And said, it's the best moment in my life.

The first babble from your mouth
Sounded so sweet to your father.
He was in cloud nine, for the first time
when you called him as your sire.

When you came back crying from school
As you had a fight with your friend.
Your mom barged into her house
And flustered her like a storm.

When you were in sweet sixteen
You looked like a flower fully blossomed.
Time could have passed like a romantic voyage
Without your Dad being the spoilsport.

When you missed the medical exam
The cherished dream of your dad
You cried your heart out
But found solace in your Dad's consoling words.

He got you in a law school
As your grannies had connections galore.
You trudged through the rigour
And Grandpa put you in a lawfirm offshore.

Then came the time to marry you off
To the bestest groom in the world
Who would fulfil all your dreams
And treat you like a baby doll.

Everything was hunky-dory for a while
Until you found one fine morn
That a creature known as Mother-in-law
Existed in the world like a thorn.

You were shocked to find your hubby
Whom you thought would be your dream
Could take sides with his mom
And let you suffer and make you scream.

Before you could bat an eyelid
You decided to leave
In the open arms of your parents
You found peace and solace.

Now that your parents have died
You are alone in this world
You looked at your grey hair
And thought what if you were not overprotected?

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