Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Held guilty

You were attacked
By a lynch mob
They chased you around
Baying for your blood.

You went from pillar to post
Seeking for some help
No one opened the door
And no one called the cop.

You entered the abode of God
Without any permission
And you plucked an apple
From His holy garden!

The God was sleeping
Without any notice
But little puppets were there
To offer their service.

You were attacked
By a lynch mob
They chased you around
Baying for your blood.

So many apples in the tree
Why can't I pick  one?
You know I am hungry
I just filled my stomach.

How can you do?
What no one think
We don't even look
At the holy apple tree.

They took you captive
And brought you to the King
He held you guilty
And expelled you from his state.

Picture taken form the Internet 

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