Saturday, December 17, 2016

Demonetization: 4 unpalatable facts for the RSS stooges

                                Demonetization: 4 unpalatable facts for the RSS stooges

The drum-beaters of the BJP, being expert in touting Goebbelsian lies, can create a make believe world around you where you tend to think that everything is going hunky dory for the BJP at the moment. They have been toiling extremely hard to turn one of the worst economic decision in the history of India since independence taken by a charlatan into a very bold move taken by a visionary to tackle black money, curb corruption, wipe out counterfeits, stop terror-funding, push digital transactions, and whatnot! To counter their bogus propaganda, I had written a blog on the subject a few days ago. Now, let me dish out a follow up on the same topic to bring some unpalatable facts for the liking of the bhakts.

1. Support is depleting rapidly: We know no one can beat the bhakts when it comes to voting in Internet. Each foot-soldier of the BJP has multiple fake IDs, and they work 24x7. In spite of that, the level of support, found by a Twitter poll conducted by the CNN IBN channel, has drastically decreased to 55% from more than 90% in the beginning. Link:

Yes 55% is still a majority,  but the depletion must be shocking for NaMo. In rural areas, the support is, I guess, less than 20%.

2. RSS survey depicts grim pictures for labourers: A recent survey by an RSS affiliate on the impact of demonetisation on the medium and small scale industry showed that nearly 70% of the respondents complained of their business being affected by the move. Link:

Any person, other than a blind bhakt, if decides to come out from the comfort of his luxurious home, and takes a tour around the rural and seni-urban areas can perceive the distress among the masses due to demonetization.

3. How is the new IDS anti-corruption: Offering one more chance to black money holders, the government said they have time until March-end to come clean by paying 50 per cent tax on bank deposits of junk currencies made post demonetisation. The government offered  tax dodgers confidentially and immunity from prosecution under the new tax evasion amnesty scheme PMGKY. Link:

If the government was to make compromises with the corrupt people in the end, then why this kolaveri di in the first place?

4. Why donations to political parties are exempt from scrutiny: The government said on Friday that political parties depositing old 500- and 1,000-rupee notes in their accounts will be exempt from income tax provided the donations taken are below Rs 20,000 per individual and properly documented. Link:

Can the RSS stooges posing as crusaders-against-corruption in this forum explain the rationale behind it?

Pictures taken from the net 

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