Friday, November 18, 2016

Ghost Story


                                                                    Chapter 1                                                

This story goes back to the late 80s, when I was a kid. My maternal uncle's home was situated in a nondescript rural village, which has now become a semi-urban area. We used to visit there twice a year: once during summer holidays and the second during puja vacations. Since that was a mofussil area, power cuts used to be a constant nuisance. During the minimum 3 hours of power cuts in every evening, we used to sit together in the veranda on a mat discussing ghost stories, while a dim kerosene lantern with a flickering flame provided the perfect spooky ambience. Majority of spine-chilling stories were narrated by my grandmother, whom I used to call Didu. My father was a rationalist: he  believed neither in God nor in ghost (strangely, he has turned into a believer now!). So, back at home whenever I narrated  those spooky stories to him, he laughed them off by saying, "All bogus stuff."

Emboldened by my father's rational views, I started to question those stories as I grew older. Confronted by my skepticism,  Didu one day told me," So, you no longer believe my stories! What happens if I show you something very supernatural? "

I blurted," Whoa, will you show me a ghost?"

She told me, "Well, it may not be ghost, but it will be a very a supernatural thing?"

She didn't elaborate it any more.

Next day, around 4 PM she took me outside. It was early November; winter had just begun  to set in. By 5 PM, it became completely dark outside. As it was a rural area, people preferred to stay at home after 5PM. So, I was feeling a bit tensed when Didu and I were setting off for an unknown destination.

It took us about one hour's walk to reach the much awaited spot. Outside the village, there was a small hamlet, where some fishermen lived. Didu took me in front of one of the houses. By that time, there was a gathering of 10 to 15 people in front of the house. All of them were waiting outside the veranda of that tile-shed mud house. No body was talking. It appeared to me that they were waiting for somebody. For too long, I had curbed my curiosity. Before I was going to ask something, Didu said, "Hold your breath. Chandini will come out within a minute."

Strong smell of incense was coming along with stronger smell of some kind of a mosquito repellant. Tears began to drop from our sore eyes. Suddenly, a woman clad in deep red sari came out of the house.  Amidst chanting of "Hail Chandini, hail Chandini" by the crowd, I noticed that the woman was in her early thirties with a very dark complexion. In a normal voice, she asked the crowd, "Have you brought the questions?"

"Yes" was the universal answer. She then quipped, "I shall answer only 15 of them. Give the questions to Hiralal. By lottery he will select 15 of them. Those whose questions will be selected have to give rupees ten each".

Hiralal did what he was asked to do. I didn't know that my Didu also had a question. She was lucky to have her question selected. In the meantime,  some strange rituals of puja was performed by a purohit with Chandini seating alongside him.

I asked Didu, "What was  your question? "

Didu said, "Don't you know I have an eternal sensation of burning in my body?"

I nodded my head as I recalled, Didu never used any wrapper even in a time when winter was at its peak. When we loved to skip bathing, she bathed at 5 AM in morning in our pond, that too for an hour.

I asked, "Is she an astrologer?"

In a hushed tone she said, "Ma Kali will enter inside her, and she will be possessed.  She will become goddess for 15 minutes or so. The words she will utter will be the words of the goddess. This happens once in a week. People from different places come here to solve their problems. "

While we were talking, someone in the crowd shouted, "She has fainted. "

Didu said," Now."


                                                                                 Chapter 2

I became worried to see Chandini lying unconscious, froth coming out of her agape mouth. Just as I started to wonder why no body was sprinkling some cold water on her face, Chandini got up to a sitting position. I looked into her eyes. They were deep red with a completely blank look. There was complete silence among the visitors. Hiralal sprang into action. He said, "Ma Kali has arrived inside Chandini. Please ask questions one at a time. Don't ask anything after she answered you."

Hiralal called a name. A bald, dark, middle-aged man rose up and asked, "Ma, my wife is unfaithful. She is having an affair with my neighbour. Please tell me what should I do?"

Chandini opened her mouth. It was a completely different voice from what I heard previously. It appeared to me that it was coming from a very long distance, say at least, 50 yeards.

Chandini answered, " Your wife is less at fault than your neighbour Indra. Indra is blackmailing her to continue the illicit relationship. He knows a secret about your wife. Your wife had a relationship with a boy before her marriage to you. She had hidden this fact. So, you should ward off her fear first. Then you tell her to scream whenever the man enters her room. Be prepared. Give him a good beating. "

As Hiralal instructed not to speak after Chandini has stopped,  the man didn't say anything. But I saw tears coming out of his eyes.

The second man of around 45 years of age complained about his financial crisis due to lockout in the factory where he used to work. Chandini thought for 30 seconds or so, and said, "Six months! Wait for six months. The factory will reopen. In the meantime, do some part time job. There is no newspaper vendor in the area. You should take up that job."

The man was so happy to hear that his factory would open again, he offered a 50 rupees note to Hiralal.

I was trying to guess how could Chandini be offering solutions so confidently! Did she know the answers beforehand? What if she was wrong! But the next question-answer made me more puzzled.

When the next person, a short, stout man of around 30 years age with a broom-like-mustache wanted a magic mascara to make a woman, whom he intended to marry, fall in love with him, Chandini burst in anger. She fulminated, "Don't come here for cheating purpose. If you have a genuine problem, I shall offer you a solution. But you are a married man with two children. Yet, you cast evil eye on your unsuspecting neighbour's wife! Get out from here."

Didu was 7th in the queue. Hearing her problem, Chandini prescribed a body oil, which she should procure from Hiralal. At that point, suddenly my scientific temper flared up. I thought I must take on the charlatan. I stood up and shouted, "Why are you fooling people? What's the ingredient of that oil?"

There was a pin drop silence for a moment. Everyone looked at me angrily. Didu was shell-shocked. She tried to make me sit down by pulling my hands. But, I didn't. Just when I thought that I had upstaged Chandini, she rebuked me, "If you don't have faith, then why have you come here Pirik? If I tell you the ingredients, you will recognise a single one? I know you are very weak in Life Science."

How did she know? Even if Didu told her my name beforehand, it was not possible for her to know that I was weak at Life Science! Perplexed, I sat down quietly.

Chandini came up with such amazing answers to all 15 questions. After that she again fainted. Didu said, " It's over. Let's move out."

During the return journey,  Didu asked, " What do you say now?"

I couldn't say much as my head was spinning. What I saw was something surreal.

Picture taken from net

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Lust and revenge


Warning: You must be 18 years or above to read this
Chapter 1

That bat could emerge as his potential downfall was beyond Saif’s imagination. During his one month tenure as a security guard here, he had occasionally heard a few screeches of bats when he overstayed to gossip with his friend after his duty hours, but he never saw any. As per his guesstimate, climbing the house was rather easy, as all the verandas of the flats were covered with iron grills. Saif knew no one would guard the rear side of the house. There was no dog, no security camera. All he had to do was to climb the 8 ft tall wall from outside. With an ascender, that job was also very easy. In the dark night of new moon, Saif climbed the wall rather easily. Saif knew he would not be able to intrude from any of the verandas. Cutting grill was not an option for him, as it would be too hazardous. Also, he would have to break the door of the veranda, which would definitely be closed from inside. The only vulnerable point was the glass window of Nayanika’s bathroom. There was no grill there. Probably, it was beyond the imagination of the builder that anyone could even think of intruding from there, as the bathroom was situated sidewise, where no one could go directly.

So, Saif had to climb the roof, and from there he had to come down with the help of that dynamic rope. He was hanging in air with the rope tied to his waist and resting his mountaineering boots on the crevice of the wall. The pane was made of Belgium glass. Saif couldn’t open it by applying sidewise force. He pushed the glass towards the bathroom. Nothing happened. Saif heaved a heavy sigh, and brought out the glass cutter from the bag, which was placed on his back. Saif was very apprehensive of the noise it would make. When Saif applied it on the glass, he understood it would not be easy. The glass was quite thick, and his  two hundred rupees glass cutter was not that sharp. In the hot night of summer, Saif was breathing heavily and sweating profusely. Fortunately for him, the noise was pretty moderate. Around this time, a  couple of bats were flying too close to him. Probably, the screeching sound attracted their attention. Little did Saif understood that they were on their reconnoitre mission! For a brief moment, his mind went 1 year back.

Chapter 2

"Hey young man! Joined recently? Tell me who I am?" A beautiful slim lady of around 38 years of age, wearing a light purple track suit, got down from the lift and asked the question.

Saif stood up and saluted by reflex action and said, "Good morning Ma’am".

Indeed, he had joined just one day before, and still he didn’t know the faces of the inhabitants of the 16 flats of this 8-storied building. The manager of the security agency Blue Star, where he worked, had told him that this was a very high profile society. He had given him a file which had all the details of the residents of this building. Since he had travelled a long distance to come there in Salt Lake, he was damn tired to look into it last evening. His 12 hour long duty started from 6 AM and ended at 6PM. It was just 6 AM, and before Saif could look into the file, the woman in light purple caught him unprepared.

Smiling asininely Saif said, "Sorry Ma’am! I have just joined." A school friend of Saif advised him to smile when someone superior confronted him with some unpalatable facts, because in his opinion Saif looked blissful with dimples on his face when he smiled. It was true that Saif’s smiles had saved him on numerous awkward situations.

But that time it didn’t seem to have cut much ice before the lady in front who appeared to be going for her morning jogging session. In a very cold voice she rebuked Saif, That’s not a good excuse. Will you let anyone enter this building? Do you know how many VIPs live here?"

Saif could sense that his ears had started to become red. It was very difficult for an extremely fair, compared to other Bengalis, guy like him to hide facial expressions. Saif had been a very good sportsman all through his 27 years of life. As a common trait of sportspersons, Saif, too, got angry rather easily. But, that being the first day of his new job, he was determined not to lose his temper. Therefore, collecting his composure Saif again smiled, and said, "Sorry Ma’am. I apologise."

"Huh", seemed to be the recognition of Saif’s apology, as looking at her wrist watch she moved in a hurry. She even didn’t sign the entry-exit register book.

Saif quickly glanced into the file to know who she was. Nayanika Sen, 37 years, renowned journalist of an English newspaper, had been living alone there for the last couple of years. That was all Saif could get about her from the file. In the picture she looked like a fairy to Saif. Ocean-like eyes with long eyelashes were very prominent in her Scandinavian facial structure. There was a hint of smile on her red hot lips. Unfortunately, Saif didn’t like reading any newspaper let alone English ones. That was why he hadn’t  heard the name previously.

Chapter 3

It took him a quite long time, to make a circular hole through which he can move his body. After 45 minutes, Saif was done with the cutting job. He prayed to Allah let the glass not make much noise when he pushes it on the bathroom floor. It was 1 AM in the morning. Even though there was no light or no sound coming from Nayanika’s flat, Saif was very apprehensive. Another apprehension, of much bigger scale, was whether Nayanika had locked the bathroom door from outside or not! Before moving into the bathroom, Saif took out a quarter bottle of Rum. Not only it will release tension, but also it will give him the necessary energy. Just when he opened the bottle, a bat attacked him, and made a big scratch on his face with its sharp nail.

Saif couldn’t maintain his balance, and the bottle fell off his hand. Saif thought he was gone, if it fell on the concrete, it would make a huge noise, and that would awake the guard. He would be a dead meat! Saif didn’t wait anymore. He coiled his body to garner force and kicked the glass with his feet, and entered in the bathroom.  Two sounds of breaking glasses happened simultaneously: one on the ground and the other on the bathroom floor.

Even though Saif had tried to concentrate on the job, something very uncanny went on his head throughout that day. He could not stop thinking about Nayanika. On 2 more occasions, Nayanika got up and down during Saif’s duty period. As per his duty manual, every time Saif greeted her, but Nayanika didn’t even look at him. Saif had understood she was very busy. It was apparent  from her movements, too. It appeared to Saif that she had been fighting a tough battle with the clock.

Even after the duty hour, when Saif had been going to his quarter, he was constantly thinking about Nayanika. Saif shook his head vigorously thinking that this would ward of the weird thinking from his head. But that didn’t happen. Even before sleep, he had been thinking about Nayanika. Saif thought if Nayanika could look so beautiful in her anger, how would she look when she was happy! Her ocean-like eyes had a piercing look, as if she could read the mind of a person. Saif smiled, if she could indeed, then it would have been very embarrassing for Saif. Because, Saif had been looking at her amorously. Yes, she was older than Saif, but Saif believed in true love age didn’t  matter.

Chapter 4

The bottle made a larger noise as it broke into several pieces, while the circular Belgium glass made a short flat sound, as it didn’t break. Saif curiously looked from the hole to see what happens next. Is the middle-aged Bihari security guard awake or is he sleeping?

"Who is there?" the guard rushed to the spot. He looked in 360 degrees, but never looked up. "Someone must have thrown it. Why waste a bottle?" He soliloquized disapprovingly. He went back to his position.

Saif was pleased to see no damage being done to his plans. His gloves would ensure no finger prints on bottle. He is wearing one-sized larger shoes to leave no clues. But if the door is locked from outside, then Saif’s entire plan will be ruined, and in all possibility, he would be caught. Remembering Allah, with a pounding heart, Saif held the knob of the door and pushed it inwards.

"Yeahh", the sound of rejoice Saif uttered was a bit loud. Saif was again pleased with his assumption that majority of people don’t bolt the bathroom door from outside. Saif put on the mask.

"Hey hunk, can you drive? Do you have a driving license?" Nayanika shot at Saif.

Saif had by then passed a month in that flat as a security guard. But, Nayanika had become an obsession for him. Every time she went through the gate, he wanted to be cozy with her. But, Nayanika never had any time to even respond to his innocuous queries. At best, a lovely smile was on the offing. Saif had noted that even though Nayanika lived alone, a journalist friend of her occasionally visited her apartment. Saif tried to guess the kind of relationship these two had. From the body language, it appeared to Saif that they had been very close. But that didn’t deter Saif. He no longer denied that he was in love, maybe one-dimensional, with Nayanika.

Saif smiled from ear to ear, and nodded his head affirmatively. He asked sheepishly, "Why Ma’am?"

"My driver will take a leave tomorrow. But, I have to attend an important press conference at 7 PM at Park Street. Can you take me there?" Nayanika asked eagerly.

"Chill Ma’am! Before this job, I worked as a driver for a couple of years. I’ll take you there."

When a distinctly relieved Nayanika exited the scene, a visibly excited Saif punched his fist in air and hissed, "Yes." His plan had worked! It was none other than he, who had persuaded Nayanik’s driver Ahsan to take a leave. He had also asked Ahsan to tell Nayanika that he could drive. Saif had been very pleased to note that his setting had worked perfectly.

Chapter 5

It was a press conference organised by the Congress party to launch its electoral campaign for the state assembly elections. Nayanika, being the political editor of her newspaper, had been considered as a special guest. While junior journalists had returned after the press conference, a batch of 15 seniors was invited for a party. Sumptuous food along with exotic wine was for the taking. Nayanika loved gin and vodka. Watching her favourite drinks flowing like fountain, Nayanika could not resist herself.

Nayanika was the last person to come out of the party. She could not move straight. Watching Nayanika coming out of the gate with dizzy steps, Saif’s eyes lit up in glee. He immediately rushed to her to offer his hand. Nayanika was reluctant to take his hand for support. She claimed that she was okay. But she had to walk more than 50 meters and cross a road to go to the parking place, and she stumbled within a couple of steps.

"Hold my hand Ma’am ." Saif ordered Nayanika sternly. Nayanika was embarrassed after the stumble. She could not resist Saif’s offer. The warmth of Nayanika’s soft hand felt amazing to Saif. Nayanika was 5 feet 10 inches tall with 68 kg weight. It was getting difficult for Saif to control Nayanika’s unstable movements. Saif had a glance at Nayanika with the corner of his right eye. He stopped suddenly, and put Nayanika’s left hand around his shoulder. He said softly, "This would help us to move smoothly. Of course, if you don’t mind." Nayanika was in a dizzy state. Even though it was humiliating for her to move in this manner with a driver, Nayanika didn’t resist. "Yo naughty fella", did she say indulgently,  Saif couldn’t understand! But he was in cloud nine. Nayanika was then in close contact with Saif. Nayanika’s C-cup sized breasts were making electric sensations whenever they were making contacts with Saif’s body. Saif prayed let this journey never end. But, soon Saif had to place Nayanika in the back seat safely, and drive the car home.

Emboldened by the proceeds of that night’s endeavour, Saif took another chance. Opening the door of Nayanika’s Honda City, Saif floated the proposal, "Ma’am shall I accompany you to your flat? If you don’t mind, of course."

Even though, Nayanika was a regular drinker, that night’s 6 pegs of cocktail of gin and vodka were  a bit heavy for Nayanika’s comfort. Though she could think straight, her head was tossing and her voice was mumbling. To Saif’s utter surprise, Nayanika grinned, "Of course. But don’t hold my hand."

Saif was a bit disappointed, but that didn’t deter his heart from pumping heavily with the expectation of something extravagant upstairs.

However, Nayanika had no such plan. She was pleased with Saif’s helpful behaviour. She didn’t want to be rude, and she wanted to offer him some money. Nayanika lived in the uppermost 7th floor.

The incident happened at the door of Nayanika’s flat. Saif thought she would invite him inside the flat. But Nayanika didn’t let Saif in. She just thanked him and offered him a thousand rupee note from her handbag. Saif was extremely frustrated. He was dreaming big, and he could not see his dream shattered like this. His good sense told him to back off and try it another day. But if there was a good sense in a human, there was also an evil sense, which most times subdued the former. There was no exception here, evil sense took control of Saif. He thought dizzy Nayanika wouldn’t resist his advances and would forget the incident next day.

Chapter 6

He refused to take the thousand rupee note and bluntly said, "No Ma’am, I want a different compensation."

Before Nayanika could understand what Saif meant by that, Saif held Nayanika’s head with his left hand, dragged her towards him, and forcefully kissed Nayanika. The grape-like-sweet hot lips of Nayanika made Saif’s blood boiling. After almost a minute Saif broke the kiss.

Whatever dizziness Nayanika had vanished in thin air. She came back to her senses. She slapped Saif with all her might shouting, "Yo bastard! Yo 2 paisa watchman, how dare you touch me. I shall call the police."

She shoved Saif forcefully, and shut the door with a bang. Saif, too, came back to his senses quickly. He became extremely apologetic, and rang the doorbell a number of times. But Nayanika didn’t open the door. Frightened Saif went home. He could not sleep in the whole night. He thought he should not have done that.

In the morning, when he wanted to join his duty, he was prevented by the Secretary of the flat, who was a top police officer,  saying they didn’t require his service. When a virtually terrified Saif asked for the reason, the Secretary said, "You could have been in jail. But considering your young age, Nayanika didn’t lodge an FIR. But I must warn you if I see you here in future, or if you disturb Nayanika in future, you will land in jail."

The day was indeed a very bad day for Saif. Around 10 in the morning, his boss in the company called him. When he turned up, he was fired for serious misbehaviour. Distraught Saif begged for mercy. The boss said he could not compromise with the reputation of his company. However, if Nayanika exonerated him, he could rehire him.

It took 2 days for Saif to persuade Nayanika to meet him through the secretary of the building. When Saif met Nayanika in her office chamber, Saif was kneeling in front of her with folded hands. Saif pleaded that he was the only breadwinner of his family of 6. Besides his ailing parents, he had two dependent siblings.

 Nayanika had agreed to give him 5 minutes. Nayanika rudely interrupted Saif after 5 minutes, and said, "Listen fella, you should have remembered all this things before committing the crime. I don’t care how you will deal with this situation. You are a potential rapist, and I can’t agree to have such a person of dubious character as our security guard. Now, get out."

The security guards of her office showed him the door.

Saif couldn’t get a job because of the ill-reputation. Because of lack of proper medicine his father died. His sister had to leave school as Saif could not pay the fee. Except Saif, the entire family went to their ancestral village. Frustrated and extremely angry Saif decided to take revenge.

Chapter 7

Saif thought Nayanika was sleeping in her bedroom. Saif took a 8" long shiny dagger in his hands. When he was searching for the switch, Saif heard a shrill female voice, and got a huge kick in his gut. Saif was fool to assume that despite hearing the noise in her bathroom, Nayanika would still be sleeping. Nayanika had gotten up and come out to see what happened. She saw somebody was coming to her room. Nayanika didn’t panic. She was extremely fit due to her regular jogging. She wanted to first injure the intruder, and then she would call the police. Nayanika herself switched on the light and saw a guy was lying on the floor writhing in pain. She thought the guy wouldn’t be able to get up quickly. So, she turned towards her mobile phone which was kept on the cot in order to call the security and the police.

Saif was very a good footballer, and played for his college team. He was hit several times on the groin area. He was used to it, and knew how to relieve the pain quickly. When he saw Nayanika scurrying towards the phone, which was not too far from her, he jumped like a spring, and tried to overpower her from behind.

Saif’s assumption that he could overpower Nayanika proved to be wrong. Nayanika was too strong for 5’8" tall, medium-built Saif. Making a shrill screech, she put Saif on the marble floor. The dagger had already dropped from Saif’s hand during the first attack by Nayanika. Nayanika was shouting for help. Saif had no problem with her screeches, as he knew it was almost impossible for any sound to penetrate these soundproof walls. But Nayanika was sitting on his belly and putting enormous pressure on his throat by her two hands. She wanted to make him senseless by choking. Saif’s eyes became enlarged,  he was slowly getting asphyxiated. Only one thing he could do in such a precarious position. Even though it was not in the rules of a fair game, Saif garnered whatever power he was left with and poked his fingers on Nayanika’s eyes.

"Hai Bhagwan, my eyes", Nayanika screamed closing her eyes in pain, while simultaneously releasing Saif. Saif quickly got up; by then he knew Nayanika was a tough prey. If he has to make his plan successful, he has to act now. Saif took no time to pick up the dagger, and he stabbed Nayanika on her shoulder. Then he punched Nayanika on her jaw with all his might. Like a lifeless Barbie doll, Nayanika fell on the floor losing her sense. Very quickly Saif laid her on the bed, tying both her hands and legs with the four legs of the cot. However, he didn’t put anything on her mouth. He switched off the fluorescent  light and switched on the dim light.

Saif put cold water on Nayanika’s face to wake her up. When Nayanika got her sense back, she felt enormous pain on her jaw and right shoulder, even though Saif had applied first aid to prevent bleeding. Nayanika so far felt very proud of her courage. She took bold decisions in life, which no ordinary woman could do. But for the first time in her life, she felt helpless. She had no idea what was happening to her and why!

Chapter 8

Saif tried to modulate his voice, and in a distorted voice mimicked Nayanika, "Hey bitch, where has your courage gone? If you try to scream or don’t obey my direction, I am gonna put this dagger right on your heart. But if you behave like a good girl, I won’t kill ya."

Nayanika cried and pleaded for mercy. Saif laughed loudly, and asked, "Do you yourself show any mercy? There will be no mercy, just obey what I say."

"You take my money, and please don’t harm me."

"Where is your money?"

"Take the key from the drawer and open the almirah, you will find rupees 40 thousand cash. Take that and release me."

Saif sniffed at the amount, "You earn 2 lakhs per month, and you offer me 40 thousand only! No way, give me more."

Believe me this is the cash at hand at the moment.  But you can take my ATM card from my handbag kept there."

"How much in your account, and what is the pin?"

"2 lakhs and here is the pin." Nayanika told the pin.

"Huh, not bad." Saif took the ATM card and noted the pin. Saif knew there was an SBI ATM counter very near to the house. "If you told me the wrong pin I will come back and kill you." Saif warned Nayanika.

"I am not lying. Now please let me go."

"Not so easily honey!" Saif tore the night dress of Nayanika with the dagger. He threw it on the floor. Now, Nayanika had only bra to cover her assets. "Beautiful", Saif said. Panic was clearly visible on Nayanika’s face.

"Don’t  do this, please, please. " She begged.

"Ha ha", Saif laughed. Just obey what I say. Don’t resist. Otherwise, you are going to pay." Saif warned Nayanika.

The mask Saif was wearing had his eyes and nose hidden. But his lips were open. "Let me drink some pure honey", Saif said kissing Nayanika on the neck, then on the cheek and finally on her lips. Even with her hands and legs tied, Nayanika wrenched her body trying to push Saif away. Saif didn’t like it and immediately he again punched Nayanika’s face.

 "Ughh, oh ma", Nayanika cried in pain.

"Now be a good girl", Saif said in a ruthless manner. Saif cut the strips of Nayanika’s bra with the knife. Now the breasts laid open. Nayanika closed her eyes in shock and shame.

 "You don’t have to be ashamed. I am your lover. What’s the shame in front of your lover?" Saif tried to ward off the fear in Nayanika.

The C-cup sized breasts had two beautiful pinkish areolas and around 1-cm long light-red erect nipples.

"Oh my God, this is heavenly." Exclaimed Saif. Saif didn’t waste anytime.

Chapter 9

"Now please let me go", Nayanika pleaded Saif with a very sore throat. Saif’s tool took a toll on Nayanika’s throat. Saif took his time. He sat on the bed in a  relaxed manner, and drank a glass of water, and offered Nayanika some water, which she declined.

After 15 minutes or so, Saif again sucked Nayanika’s boobs. Those heavenly boobs could get an erection even in a dead body. Again in no time Saif got an erection.

Suddenly, Nayanika shouted, "Now, I understand you are Saif. Aren’t you. You want to take revenge for your sacking. Please don’t do this to me. I will give you more money. "

Maybe for a second, Saif forgot to distort his voice, and was caught by Nayanika. Saif’s eyes lit up in anger. "So, you got me! Do you have any idea what suffering you caused to me and my entire family?"

Saif again punched Nayanika to silence. Now the moment has come for which Saif longed. He slowly entered Nayanika. "Hai Allah", was the exclamation that came to his mouth. Nayanika groaned, whether in pain or ecstasy that Saif couldn’t judge. Within 10 minutes, Saif was done.

It was around 3-30 AM in the morning. Saif’s lust was fully satisfied. He contemplated of leaving. He had made his alibi ready. A lot of people in his village  would vouch that Saif was with them in the night. Just when he was thinking of leaving,  Saif heard Nayanika soliloquizing angrily, "This time this bastard will not go unpunished. I will ensure that he gets death penalty."

“The bitch is not done yet, she is still having that bloody temperament running.” Saif burst in anger, and he was left with no other option. He came back quickly, and slit the throat of Nayanika. He shoved a rag on Nayanika’s mouth, and simultaneously choked her to ensure death. After struggling for a minute or so, Nayanika’s resistance ended, and the fierce journalist, a vocal feminist slept for ever.

Saif cleaned the floor, took the condom with him. He tried to remove all the traces of his involvement. He could have easily got down by stairs, as in all probability the guard was sleeping at the moment.  But he took no chance. Again, he got out of the window, and went to the roof. From there, he threw the anchor in the grills of one of the backside veranda of the 3rd floor flat. Very quickly he climbed down. From there he got down in step by step up to the first floor. From first floor he jumped on the ground easily, and got out through the same wall. He didn’t go to the nearby ATM, as ATMs have CCTV installed. It didn’t matter to him if got the money or not, as his lust and urge for taking revenge were fulfilled.

The end

Picture taken from Internet

Your memory

You think I don't care for you But your thought makes me nostalgic, You think I am very unromantic But your memory makes me a poet. ...