Thursday, October 27, 2016

Bus stop romance

The lady in the blue saree
Looked like a vanilla ice cream
Since I saw her in the bus stand
She  became my sweet dream.

Very soon our eyes met
I talked to her gently
With my trembling heart
Will she take it kindly?

She said she knew me
As I was the local star
But she feared to talk
Thinking I'd ignore her.

Could not believe my luck
I was in cloud nine
Just a few conversations
And she fell in line?

Where are you going
She asked me eagerly
As we got on the same bus
And sat together closely.

Knowing our destination was same
My head began to toss
My love vanished quickly
When I learned she would be my boss.

Picture taken from net

Monday, October 10, 2016

Surgical strike and the aftermath

Shattering the myth of possible nuclear conflict, India broke her "strategic restraint" on 29th September when Indian soldiers crossed the LOC for surgical strikes inside Pakistan-occupied territory. India claimed that Indian soldiers had been able to destroy 7 launch-pads for terrorists at a stretch of a 250 km arc along the LOC, killing 30 to 40 terrorists and their handlers. This bold step to avenge the dastardly killing of 20 Indian soldiers and maiming of 18 more in Uri has caught a lot of people off guard.

Initially, Pappu praised Modi, but later on noticing Modi's growing popularity, he cringed, and made some ugly comments. A few people like Kejriwal, Chidambaram etc suddenly became doubting Thomases and questioned the veracity of India's claim about the surgical  strikes. Arvind Kejriwal became so famous in Pakistan that he could easily open a branch of his party in Pakistan with the name of PAAP (Pakistan Aam Admi Party). These guys probably have fallen prey to Pakistan's incessant denial and the propaganda-war against it.

Now to expect that Pakistan would admit the surgical strikes on her soil was absolutely foolish. Because, firstly it would be tantamount to admitting the presence of terrorist groups on her soil, which India has accused her for long. Pakistan, so far, has been denying the charge assuming that everyone is fool. So, there was no chance of her owing up the charge of harbouring terrorists.

Secondly, so far, we have heard hundreds of times the boastful claim of Pakistan military that India could never cross the LOC. If they dared to do that they would face a befitting reply. The military Generals bragged that the Pakistani army was fully capable of defending every inch of her soil. Admission of the surgical strikes would have destroyed the fictitious claims about Pakistan army's capabilities.

Unlike India, there is an undercurrent of supports for the army from the general public  in Pakistan. The political leaders are seen as the people indulging in only corruption and nepotism, forgetting the welfare of the public. For example, Asif Ali Zardari was known as Mr 10 percent. The recent Panama papers leak has exposed Nawaj Sharif's unaccounted wealth. In addition to this, General Raheel Sharif has gained great popularity after  a successful operation, named as Zarb-e-Azb, on Pakistan's western border against the terrorists. Combination of all these factors has made Raheel Sharif over-confident and over-ambitious. Either he has been plotting a coup, or he wants an extension of terns for another 2 years. Accepting the surgical strikes would have rudely awakened him from his sweet dreams.

Accepting it would mean that Raheel Sharif has to take some kind of retaliatory action against India to maintain his popularity. He wouldn't like himself to be seen as a nincompoop General who clapped at enemy's valour instead of taking action.

Now what kind of action Pakistan can take? Can they afford an escalation because India is both militarily and economically superior to them? A war will very badly hurt Pakistan's economy, as Pakistan is at the moment struggling with an astronomical amount of foreign debts ($50 bn is going to mature in 2016).

Pakistan's nuclear capability is a very big question mark. Even if she possesses some kind of nuclear arsenal, there is a very little chance that she will be given any chance to use it. So, war is virtually a no option. Thus we can understand why Pakistan vehemently denied the surgical strikes and waged a propaganda war against it.

But it's really sad that a section of politicos in India began to question the authenticity of the surgical strikes! People like Kejriwal even wanted the army to bring the video in public domain. Doesn't he have any idea that this would thoroughly expose Indian army's strategies? How come this guy became the CM of Delhi?

The ruling party BJP has been accused of doing politics with the issue. Yes, they deserve credit for the tectonic shift in India's policy in dealing with terror attacks emanating from Pakistani soil. Also, it's hard to refrain from gaining a few brownie points in the season of upcoming elections. But Ideally, the BJP should not take credit for the bravery shown by the armed forces. There is every chance of some major terrorist attacks in near future. If any such event happens, will the BJP take the responsibility for that, or will they blame the intelligence agencies?

Strangely, the Congress has been digging up embarrassing moments to show that in their rule, too, there had been instances of surgical strikes. For example, today I saw Sanjay Jha boasting of Operation Ginger. Come on Sanjay, that was nothing to boast of because it was nothing short of a war crime.

To expect that the surgical strikes would stop Pakistan from sponsoring terrorist activities in India is also not correct. The raison d'etre of Pakistan is anti-India activities. They will not learn lessons so easily. The surgical strikes should be seen as a beginning and not the end.

Finally, this should not be a one-off incident. Yeh dil mange more such strikes.

Pictures taken from net

Your memory

You think I don't care for you But your thought makes me nostalgic, You think I am very unromantic But your memory makes me a poet. ...