Friday, August 26, 2016

Ten reasons for Kashmir to be part of India

We have been witnessing a spate of violent activities in Kashmir since the killing of the Hizbul Mujahideen commander Burhan Wani. To our utter disgust, we have found a handful of pseudo-intellectuals of the likes of Arundhati Roy, Mani Shankar Aiyer, Prem Shankar Jha etc coming forward in support of the separatists. But, I can't see any justification for "azadi", and the following are the reasons for which India will never let Kashmir secede:

1. Historical reason : I am sometimes amazed to note the audacious claim of the separatists that Kashmir has been historically attached to Pakistan. The problem with the Paki-lovers is that their beloved country was herself born in 1947. They should know that Kashmir has a history of thousands of years. Originally, it was the land of Hindus, where Buddhism, too, flourished. It's true that rapid islamization took place between thirteenth to fifteenth century, but that does not take away the rights of the Hindus or Buddhists or Sikhs to live there.

2. No relevance of the UN resolution : I don't know what was in Nehru's mind when he took the matter to the UN! When the Indian force was on the verge of striking a decisive win deep inside Pakistan, and settling the things for ever, this traitor took the matter in his own hand. Sometimes, I tend to think that some Muslim blood must have been flowing in his veins! Anyway, the conditions set for plebiscite were never met by Pakistan. After the conclusive victory in 1971 war, both countries signed the Simla Accord in 1972. Since then if anybody talks about plebiscite, we have to dismiss that as bunkum.

3. Accession of Kashmir was legitimate : The maharaja of Kashmir, Hari Singh lawfully signed the instrument of accession with India in 1948. Initially, Kashmir  wanted to remain as an independent state. But after the invasion of tribesmen sent by Pakistan to forcefully conquer Kashmir, the maharaja quickly understood that believing Pakistan was like kissing a venomous cobra. So, he chose the right path. It's true that some of the conditions have been diluted over the years by New Delhi. But that was required for the welfare of Kashmir, and everything was done lawfully.

4. Religion cannot be the reason : India harbours the highest number of Muslims, after Indonesia, in the world. They live here peacefully and their rights have been guaranteed by the Constitution of India. An ex-prime minister of India went to the extent of saying that the minorities in India have the first right to the resources of the country. Clearly, religion cannot be a valid reason for Kashmiris to seek freedom.

5. It will create a very ominous precedent: If India somehow succumbs to the pressure, and let Kashmir secede,  it will be the death knell for the idea of India. The insurgents in various other states will be emboldened, and intensity their activities with double vigor. Some idiots think that Pakistan will stop encouraging anti-India activities from her soil once it snatches Kashmir. It's absolutely balderdash. The raison d'etre of Pakistan is anti-Indian activities. Pakistan will shift her attention else where in the country. There are various districts in West Bengal  and Assam where the Muslim population has risen around 50% mark due to, mainly, infiltration. These places will be the new targets of Pakistan.

6. India cannot succumb to jehadi pressure : Any body having inside knowledge of the Kashmir happenings should be aware of the fact that the so-called freedom movement in Kashmir is nothing but jehadi experimentation funded by foreign countries. The stone-pelting youth of Kashmir are blinded by their hatreds towards Hindus due to jehadi indoctrination propagated day in and day out from the local mosques. Many people don't know that similar hate factories are operating in various other places in India, too. Anyway, the world has univocally said NO to the jehadi menace.

7. Control of the rivers: If a rogue country like Pakistan gets hold of the rivers, no body knows what the fanatics would do with them. We cannot let the highly productive state like Punjab at the mercy of Pakistan.

8. Kashmir is a very important military strategic position : If India loses Kashmir, she will lose a very important strategic position, and will be vulnerable to attacks from her enemy countries.

9. A source of revenue : The paradise on earth attracts milion of foreign tourists every year. This means billions of revenue in foreign currencies.

and finally,

10. India has invested a lot: A lot of money and manpower have been sacrificed over the years. These can't go down the drain.

So, dear separatists and their pseudo-intellectual supporters, don't even think in your wildest dream that India will hand over Kashmir to you in a platter. You have to annex it. But you have already waged 3 full-scale wars and a despicable invasion of Kargil in 1999. Each and every time you have met with crushing defeat. If you dare to do it again under Modi's rule, I am sure you will learn the lesson of your life. Maybe this will be the last war and last existence of Pakistan.

Pictures taken from net

Monday, August 22, 2016

Kashmir: What is the solution?

The madness of the mullahs has been continuing unabated for the last 45 days in Kashmir. Clearly, they have been under a spell, which is preventing them from differentiating between the good and the bad. The spell has been cast by the false belief in supremacy of Islam. The supremacist zealots think that the mythical magical power of Allah will help them create a Darool Islam in Kashmir. They have the firm belief that the Kafir Hindus will be defeated in the end. This keeps them acting like insects in front of a fire.

The Indian security forces have been doing a great job despite facing a very hostile situation. They have been maintaining self-restraint even in the face of utmost provocations. The separatists have employed the nefarious design of putting children of tender age in front of their so-called resistance marches. They want to discredit the security forces. They are not only pelting stones, but also waging a media war. Some of our anti-national fools have toed their line without understanding anything of the complexity of the problem.

However, I am afraid that I don't have a word of praise for the Mehbooba Mufti government. They have been very indecisive about their course of action. There has been virtually no governance in the last 40 odd days. The attendance in the government offices has been less than 20%. Schools and colleges have not been reopened. There has been no effort to arrest the stone-pelting rowdy elements. She is giving nothing to herself to bargain with. The main opposition party, NC, has taken a hard anti-national position. But, I don't blame them, as some of the recognised parties have to take the anti-india space.

Kashmir is the battle that India cannot lose. Losing Kashmir will surely accentuate the disintegration of India, and again we shall be subjected to slavery at the hand of our enemies. Even though, the opposition doesn't seem very scary at the moment, we cannot take them lightly. We have to learn important lessons from the history. I am quite sure most of the readers don't know that there had been innumerable unsuccessful attacks on Indian borders states before the successful invasion by Muhammad Bin Qasim. In fact, Bin Qasim himself had made two futile efforts. So, we have to keep winning this war at any cost. Any cost means any cost. I don't care if we have to use nuclear, biological or chemical weapon for this.

The best solution to Kashmir problem is to end the special privileges of the state and integrate the state with India as any other normal state. Okay, I admit this won't be easy. There will be humongous internal and external pressure. But those are the champions who can withstand pressure. India should simply copy what China did to Tibet.

Pictures taken from net

Your memory

You think I don't care for you But your thought makes me nostalgic, You think I am very unromantic But your memory makes me a poet. ...