Monday, April 21, 2014

Priyanka Vs Rahul

I am not in favor of Priyanka, I am for Rahul, because we don't know anything about her. I admit that the Congress will be routed this time (maybe below 60), and some people will be pointing the finger at Rahul. But we must understand that even massive losses are part of the political game. The world doesn't end with a loss. Rahul has been trying extremely hard to build organizations in states (such as UP, Bihar etc) where the performances of the Congress have been pathetic. He has been travelling across the country, spending nights in villages, sharing meals with poor people, listening to their miseries and trying to solve them. Honestly, I don't like some mediaeval ideas ,(such as NREGS), or some divisive ideas, (such as job reservation for minorities), of the Congress party. But, I like some of the ideas of RaGa, such as empowering people or encouraging youth leadership or bringing democracy to the grassroot level in the Congress organization, or training party workers etc. I wanted him to take some ministerial experiences for at least couple of years. But somehow he chose to concentrate only on organizational activities. But even then it can be said that he has gathered some good experience.

But what about Priyanka? She hasn't been in active politics so far. She crawls out of the woodwork during the election time, campaigning for her brother and mother. We don't know anything about her views on topics of national importance. Besides that, she has to carry the political liability of Robert Vadra around her neck like a millstone. The only mesmerizing thing about her is her good looks, which resemble that of India Gandhi. However, I am not saying Priyanka can't make an impact in the long run. The older generation can be swayed by her legacy and similarity with the redoubtable Prime Minister India Gandhi. But to do that, she has to do two things. Firstly, she has to get down to business right now. Secondly and most importantly, she has to get rid of the political burden, namely, Robert Vadra.

Pictures taken from net.

Your memory

You think I don't care for you But your thought makes me nostalgic, You think I am very unromantic But your memory makes me a poet. ...